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PurpleCosmos January 14th, 2022


this is my first thread, so I’m not to sure what I’m doing. Lately, I’ve just been feeling really down, mainly because of uni, cuz we just have so much work and all the classes are online, and generally it’s just making me really anxious.

I also feel really homesick and I miss my family, which is weird cuz we were never really close. I also feel bad cuz I changed appartements in student halls cuz it wasn’t working out with my roommate, but I haven’t told my parents yet, cuz I feel like they would be disappointed in me for not trying to make it work. But each time I call them, I need to make sure that they can’t see my background and everything, which is making me really anxious, cuz I hate being caught in a lie.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day.

WarmLightXO January 14th, 2022

Hi JackCosmos, welcome to the forums!

I'm so sorry to hear about all that anxiety you're experiencing, but really glad you've been able to pinpoint a source and have reached out to talk about it. Your relationship with your family and your uni experience absolutely sounds like it could cause stress, that makes a lot of sense.

I sincerely hope your discomfort eases soon and you get the support you need here on 7Cups.

Sending warmth <3

PurpleCosmos OP January 15th, 2022


Thank you so much for the kind comment <3

Tmb141311 January 19th, 2022

Hope.youre feeling better recently :)

January 26th, 2022

Hey @PurpleCosmos

Welcome to the community!

I'm sorry to hear you have been feeling down lately, uni can sometimes get me feeling stressed too, you aren't alone. I understand you may not been ready to tell you're parents, take your time. They might be able to support if they knew what you were going through <3

Cloud ⛅️