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Friendship anxiety. Adults please.

PluckyLuck248 June 19th, 2018

For context, I'm in my 20's and had to lose a few friends because they were toxic. But now I'm trying to make new friends and be more social it feels like I don't know how to make friends as an adult? One friend and I were in a relationship where we engaged in behaviours that were completely toxic and I feel like this anxiety is an offshoot of that. Like I don't know what's acceptable and what isn't anymore. Any advice on how to get over this feeling? And any tips on being social would be great.

politeTree46 June 20th, 2018

@PluckyLuck248 Hi!! Firstly, I just wanted to say good on you for dropping those toxic friendships! It can take a lot of courage to do this and thats a massive step to take. It may be surprising, but youre not alone in feeling like you have difficulty making friends as an adult.

It sounds like maybe theres some boundary confusion when you mention youre not sure what is and isnt acceptable, given the circumstance that you were in thats understandable. I think a good indication for this is how a persons behaviour makes YOU feel - good? Bad? Uncomfortable? The negative emotions are important as they give you an indicator, its okay not to like how a person acts, especially towards you. When being in a toxic relationship of any sorts this view can be distorted. Remember you do have a choice to say if you dont like something and no one should make you justify this.

Getting over this feeling takes practice, lots of it and patience. Toxic relationships can greatly affect us. For me, self help books helped massively! Two books in particular which are - boundaries by dr. Henry cloud and how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie.

A lot of being social is to throw yourself out there - it can be uncomfortable at first but this is okay. Its a skill and it takes a lot of practice! Dont be afraid of rejection, equally dont feel you need to tolerate negative behaviour that you dont like! Its important to know you have a choice about the relationships you want and have. Theres many people youll meet, some youll get on great and some you wont.

Lastly I just wanted to say - the points Ive previously made arent the only things you can do. I urge you, if you feel the anxiety is overwhelming and really affecting you, please seek expert medical advice. They will help you and can give you a lot more insight and options for what you can do and be able to work with you for what would work best for you.

Good luck and take care, were always here to listen to anything you want to talk about :)