Feeling anxious
I have been without work for the past week. Having a medical issue that is frustrating because the doctors dont know whats going on, nor how to help. The unknown— that and be coupled up with being out of work because I havent been cleared is anxiety inducing. Pain— physical pain, not sure where its coming from. Anxiety about doctors appointments, one in the morning and its now some odd in the middle of the night now; a group that Im not sure I feel comfortable in yet; and one I may just cancel. Then on top of that pressure to get to all these places.
my roommate is freaking out and having her own anxiety issues and in turn thats making me anxious as well..
thats all I got, hope I get sleep soon.
@joyfulKitty85 Hi there,
I am sorry to hear that you are having some anxiety issues and also, that your roommate is dealing with her own anxiety which is also affecting you. I am very glad you could post a thread here, and I hope you are feeling better. I hope this community can help support you!
Your wings already exist, all you've got to do is fly!