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Failing all my tests..

User Profile: brightVillage9668
brightVillage9668 May 17th, 2021

Hi i always had huge anxiety when it came to school. I think it’s because of how much pressure my parents put on my since i was in first grade and how mad they always got when i had a bad grade. When i say mad i really mean MAD (they didn’t hurt me but they usually yelled at me). My parents try to control themselves nowadays but they still get disappointed when i come home with a bad grade. Anyways so i‘m having all my exams right now and i‘m kind of failing them all.. i‘m all the time under pressure and i‘m always feeling so anxious like my hands turn all blue and my whole body is shaking before one simple tiny test that doesnt even really matter that much. And like my parents don’t get that mad anymore.. i dont know why i‘m so anxious , i literally don’t know anyone that is so afraid of an exam like i am.

User Profile: itssoren
itssoren May 17th, 2021


Hi Bright, I'm sorry that you have anxiety in regards to your school, I know that might be tough and overwhelming. I’m sure pressure from your parents doesn't make the situation any better nor does having ongoing exams. Remember that your grades do not define who you are or the knowledge you’ve gained.

It sounds as though you are struggling with anxiety, something that many people struggle with. Just know that it is completely normal and very understandable. Something you might find helpful is connecting with a listener, found at available 24/7/365 in 192 countries and 152 languages, assisting over 2 million people.

I wish you all the best with your exams.

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User Profile: brightVillage9668
brightVillage9668 OP May 17th, 2021

Literally thank you so much 💗

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User Profile: itssoren
itssoren May 17th, 2021


I'm glad that you found my reply helpful!

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