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Does anyone else self-harm during/after panic attacks?

sunnyAcai8948 March 8th, 2018

I had a really bad panic attack this morning, and I was still so wound up afterwards, that I caved in to the urges to self-harm, which only made me more anxious and almost caused another panic attack.

romanticthi3f March 8th, 2018


Yes, I have before! This happens probably more often then you may think!

A big reason why people decide to do it is because after a panic attack we are so hyped and overwhelmed and self-harm can give us a bit of control and calm the situation. Is this how you feel too? Sadly though the way it helps is always going to be temporary, so it can end up in a bit of a cycle!

sunnyAcai8948 OP March 8th, 2018

@romanticthi3f yeah this makes perfect sense! and I thought I was the only one!

Alctim March 17th, 2018

I usually self harm, when i feel an attack is incoming, or during one, or after one.