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Dentist Fears... Also, my grandma's Driving my dad crazy

writecolorread July 29th, 2017

OK, so, nobody really listens to their dentist when they're a kid, I know that. But I have lovely teeth and I'm afraid to loose that. You see, I haven't been to the dentist since I was a kid ( no insurance and no money to do it otherwise) and I had a bad habit of chewing ice, so I'm afraid every tooth in my head is rotting. I can't see any sign of that, I have no tooth pain, and I *do* brush, so I know that's unlikely. And I can get tooth colored fillings now, so that's not a problem. Am I alone in this?

My second problem is that my grandma is driving my Dad insane. My younger cousin recently got married (another anxiety for another time) and my Dad was "uninvited" to the wedding. This has been building for a while. My dad was in the military and my mother is chronically ill, so there was never any time or money to travel. Added to that they don't like my mom and every time we've gone to visit (Every. Single. Time.) my brother has gotten sick. There has been very little incentive to go down there anyway because none of my dad's family has made any effort to come see us. Nevertheless, they have demanded that my dad visit and bring us.... even though they dislike my mother. All this has caused my normally calm dad to be super anxious and act in ways that are out of character. But that's not the point, the point is that my relatives are just driving us all mad, blaming my mom for stuff she can't control and nagging my dad because he doesn't come to see them. Why should he when you don't like his wife!? They treat my mom like the freaking Wicked Witch of the West, so why should my brother and I come and see people who don't like half of our genetic makeup? Sorry, I just needed to vent about that. I feel much better now.

Devin000 August 4th, 2017


Fears of the dentist are completely normal and what happened in the past is not of relevance now in the present. Nevertheless, fears are fears and they can be accepted and overcome. It sounds to me that there is a lot of tension in your family right now and that may have a negative on you psychologically as well as your father.

We at 7 cups, highly encourage that you talk to an individual active listener about this at

If you would like to talk to me, leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Best wishes,
