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Corona concerns

User Profile: teekay1
teekay1 March 18th, 2020

Ive been feeling anxious for the past few hours although I have tried to realise theres not much I can control, but what I can control is what I choose to do to manage my emotions. Most of the anxiety has just come from learning our schools havent been confirmed to be shutting down because "Corona virus functions differently with children". Not even too sure what that means. But I cant help but get so sad mainly because of our teachers. How am I supposed to feel if one of the students or even myself as a student, unknowingly contracts the virus and passes it on to a teacher who then passes it on to a vulnerable family member. A few of my teachers I know either live with their parents who are ill or see them almost every day. Not only that, but their young children I cant help but to think about. But so far all we can do is "wash our hands" and "ensure 1.25m distance at all times".

User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 March 19th, 2020


Your fears are understandable with all what is happening right now and listening to the media. All talk seems to focus almost exclusively on the virus what creates even more anxiety with many people. Noone wants to contract the virus and pass it on to others, particularly not the most vulnerable ones in our society. I can see that it worries you, you seem to be a very caring person but all we can do atm is to follow the health suggestions given and help each other by staying as calm as possible.

This is a link to a forum about the Corona Virus on this site