Constant Anxiety Issues
November 8th, 2022
I have been dealing with anxiety issues since many years. For any situation my first reaction was to feel anxious . I was in therapy for couple of times and during my last therapy, I thought I was doing really good and overcame this issue. But recently I have been to same situations and it triggered the anxiety issues in me. I am falling back to the same pattern again.
not sure how to deal with it. Its exhausting 😞😞😞
November 9th, 2022
Im so sorry you feel this way. Maybe try repeating the steps you took in therapy to see if that can help you get back on the right path. I hope to find help in therapy soon.
November 11th, 2022
@NotFound20 we are allowed to slide once in a while. Hope you soon find the strength and ropes to pull yourself back up. You got this 🧡