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Canceling appointments because of crippling anxiety

LonerWolf1 October 21st, 2020

I had to cancel an appointment with my doctoral supervisor (now co-researcher) because my anxiety is just too crippling. I don't know if I would be able to drive in this state and chances are very good that I would drive half way of the 30 min drive to campus and then turn around because I can't handle the anxiety, confusion and racing thoughts. The problem is that this is probably a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I can't think clearly enough to convince myself otherwise. And now the guilt and shame of canceling another appointment for no reason except my irrational anxiety.

I know that is a lot of complaining but I actually want to know if anyone can identify with this. I feel like such an idiot.

danielioan October 21st, 2020

@LonerWolf1 I have the same issue. I struggle with crippling anxiety. I've really gone downhill. I slipped down the slippery rope, for I have literally nothing to cancel any more as it had overtaken over all the central functions of my life. As it is now, I'm looking to rectify that and to get a job, for example, but I'm afraid anticipatorily of the prospect of having to get through the anxiety that's waiting for me. And I have not figured it out yet, so I'm stuck here for now.

DaisyDaph October 22nd, 2020

@LonerWolf1 Hello there! Coming from someone with similar issues I see how frustrating it can get. After having to cancel important meetings or trips because of anxiety/panic attacks, you feel guilty about it and wish you could have dealt with it another way. Anxiety causes us to do things impulsively sometimes. I really appreciate that you put some thought into this after, even if the anxiety got to you at that moment. Managing anxiety can be difficult and it takes a lot of effort. I hope you are doing well now. Do take care of yourself and take all the time you need to regain a healthy manageable state of mind. Thank you sharing with us :)

jordanc0856 October 24th, 2020

@LonerWolf1 I try to avoid people and situations where I might run into more people. I've always been an introvert, but it's much more noticeable ever since anxiety has worked its way into my life. I really hope your anxiety gets better because I know how frustrating it can be.