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Anxiety from Boss/Work

User Profile: pinguan1
pinguan1 September 20th, 2021

Hey guys 35F here working full time w fibromyalgia, CPS, PTSD and anxiety. Can’t seem to calm the anxiety down - I have work tomorrow morning and my boss bullies me at work. I have chosen to leave the job and look for anything at this point even if it’s a pay cut, but I can’t seem to calm myself enough to get through the day/tonight. Praying to find something soon so I can leave, as I’ve been having major panic attacks because of the way I’m being treated (reached out to HR before but nothing was done). Just need some peace.

User Profile: secretPomegranate4943
secretPomegranate4943 September 20th, 2021

Hello! I have the same experience back in 2016-2019. I left the job as well as it is not healthy for me anymore. I hope in your next job you also get the right fit and support that you need to develop your career.

User Profile: SoulListener00
SoulListener00 September 20th, 2021


I'm very sorry to know that you are going through such a difficult situation. It's goo that you decided to come and write here, if you think it would be good for you to talk to a listener feel free to contact me or another listener here. I hope everything will work out in the best way for you and make sure to take care of yourself, stress and a toxic working environment are not good for your anxiety or your health problems. Stay safe!

User Profile: Understanding61
Understanding61 September 22nd, 2021

I am very proud of you for standing up for yourself and taking care of you! That is the best way to combat the anxiety. Being an a work place that feels unsafe is not right. Be proud of yourself knowing this is right for you. You are a very strong person to carry so much. Give yourself positive affirmations every time the anxiety creeps in. You got this. Sometimes being in the worse situation leads us to a better place. I hope you find a job that is a happy and satisfying!