Addiction to technology
Hi! I’m new but I thought this might be helpful?
it’s always so annoying when parents say all our problems come from our phone… I’m starting to be like that parent! 😭
I notice a HUGE difference between mornings I go on my phone vs when I don’t go on my phone immediately
your morning needs to have low dopamine activities (LDAs) to high dopamine activities (HDAs)
if you go on your phone immediately, you’re probably going to not make your bed, because your bed is way more boring (compared) to a phone, even though it’s nice to clean things
low dopamine activities don’t even lower your dopamine levels, they just don’t raise it to the extent that phones/ electronics do
if you eat only super high quality and flavorful food every single day, if someone offered you a bland food, (maybe like white rice?) you would not eat it because you have all this other amazing food to eat
(this metaphor is from somewhere, not sure, but it was helpful for me)
so moral of the story, maybe it really is your phone! Because I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels overall when I regulated my HDAs with LDAs
(I say this as I’m on my phone at 4 am, I’m working on it, but the first step to solving a problem is identifying it!)
don’t know if anyone is going to see this, but if you do,
youre awesome. I’m so proud of you. And you’re definitely going far in life, you’re a beautiful soul
have a great day love :)
Thanks for this! I don't know much about dopamine (!) but there's a basic fact, in my mind, of the difference between sitting in bed and getting drawn into what's on your phone and jumping out of bed and doing something active (from making said bed through to, I don't know, just looking out the window!). One draws the mind into a tiny, funnelled space. The other gets the juices flowing!
Before lockdown I used to jump out of bed in the morning. During lockdown, and subsequently, I spent an extra hour in bed on my phone. I like to think that it's my version of reading the newspapers (like my parents used to do) but I'm becoming increasingly unconvinced!