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Songs to help with anxiety

Kazzbim September 13th, 2022

I read that singing one of your favourite songs can help when a panic attack starts. What songs do you think would be good for this? My daughter suggested some where over the rainbow.

innateJoy9602 September 13th, 2022



That's a lovely suggestion from your daughter.

I think music certainly helps to soothe.

For calm music, I like to listen to lofi songs! :)💛✨

songSungblue30315 September 14th, 2022

I literally created my psuedonym from Neil Diamond's "Song Sung Blue." Actually, that one and "Shiloh" are good for when your breath is too fast because they have strong backbeats you can use as a rhythm.

But I think music choice for this stuff really depends on the person's taste, because I would also go to "Running Up That Hill," a bunch of Taylor Swift's songs, "It's My Party," and the whole soundtrack to Beyond the Sea.

Also, an idea: If there are any musicals you like (and I of course would point to Disney movies. My current go-tos are Brother Bear, The Little Mermaid, and the opening sequence of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. But there are alot of musicals out there), find your favorite song (and accompanying scene) in the musical. One that invokes strong feeling. Even if it's not necessarily a happy/sweet feeling. And sing it in your head as loud as you can. Pretend that you've got in earbuds/headphones and you've got them turned up to max. This sounds really dramatic, but remembering music uses the same part of the brain as listening to it, so forcing yourself to actually sing the song/play the music in your head IN TEMPO as best as you can does two things: 1. It provides stimulus similar to listening to music without you having to reach for any, and 2. It makes you focus on something that has nothing to do with the panic attack (Lead your brain through the questions: what are the different instruments doing? Who characters are singing? Is it a song where they dance or run around? Are there background characters in it? Are there funny lines or rhymes in the song?)

I don't know if it would help anyone else. But it is a trick I've developed for when I'm stuck somewhere you're supposed to be quiet and listening. I just close my eyes for a second, 'blast' the music, and let the emotion wash over me as if I was watching the musical right now.

I try to leave a Disney quote every post. So here's one: "I'm the leader. I'll decide what it was. ... It was a little ol' cricker bug, that's what it was."

sabrinawu September 14th, 2022

@Kazzbim Hi! I would recommend any music that makes you super happy.

aJellyfish September 14th, 2022

''it's all right'' from disney movie Soul :)

neatCurrent3463 September 30th, 2022

Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift