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Filght anxiety

User Profile: triskelewithwings67
triskelewithwings67 August 7th, 2015

So today I bought my plan tickets to fly back home next month. I have never flown or had to fly any where so I never even realized I had this problem. I started to panic when I had to pick my seat. The middle of the row wouldn't work because I would start to feel trapped the aisle seat didn't sound good because I couldn't take getting bumped into and all of that. The window seat seemed like the best idea. Then I started thinking about how close I would be to "the edge" so to say and started freaking out more. I did end up going with the window but not after taking like 10 minutes to panic about how I was pretty sure I was going to die and I almost just canceled everything. But I'm going back for my father's funeral thing which I don't really want to go to so that could be part of it....

Any way any advice on how to handle flight anxiety??

User Profile: StillWaters11
StillWaters11 August 8th, 2015

I'll be honest, I don't know much about specifically flight anxiety personally, but I do fly a lot (and I mean my whole life seems to be flying) and I know many people with flight anxiety. First off I'd like to say that I think you made a good choice in the window seat. I think it has more room than other seats and I take comfort in imagining the wall as part of my own personal bubble or cacoon. Secondly, if your afraid of the idea of the 'edge' of the plane keep the window closed from the minute you sit down at the gate. No one will be bothered by it and it is yours to control. My next big advice would to bring something to do with you on the plane. Many people don't think of this no matter how short or long the flight is but it is very important. Make sure it is something you can carry with you and don't have to put in the overhead bin. It can be your favorite book, a drawing pad, held game or anything. Just make sure it is something you like and makes you comfortable. Now a days you can even use your cell phone as long as it is on airplane mode. So long as you have something to do it will make the time go by faster then you think.

But most importantly, trust the crew on the flight. Its their jobs to make sure everyone has a safe and comfortable trip. They know what they are doing and their is more then likely nothing they haven't encountered before. If your feeling trapped in your seat, get up and go for a walk. No one will tell you you can't so long as the seat belt light is off. Maybe even, chat up a flight attendant. Most of them love to meet people and are very kind.

I hope you have a good flight. If you have any question though I'd be happy to answer them. My family works for the airlines and I know more about the entire system then you can imagine. :)

User Profile: Heyitsmichaella
Heyitsmichaella August 8th, 2015

I would say keep your mind off of it if you can but obviously that's hard to do when it's anxiety. but like make all the reasons you will be safe on the plane ex. there are more car crashes than plane crashes

Do not think of the negatives. try to distract yourself and think about seeing your family/etc.