Scared in history class..
So I'm afraid of a lot of things-- death, blood, needles, drowning, etc. So you may see why classes such as biology and history class are an issue for me. We are studying World War 2 in history class right now and it makes me absolutely terrified. I often feel like passing out or throwing up but I rarely tell anyone because of minor social anxiety. Thankfully my teacher understands and allows me and one other girl to leave the room during movies that have a lot of killing or blood or similar things which is quite common as you can imagine for WWII movies... Anyway, today I left the room for a movie and my friends got rude about it. They said, "It's hard for us all to watch but we don't get to go leave the room and do whatever." I got so frustrated but more sad inside. It's just hard for me because I honestly can't explain it to anyone. I'm too scared to talk about anxiety and phobias and how it doesn't just make me sad, that it makes me feel physically ill. I just don't know what to do about it. It's hard to deal with.
Hello there!
Ok, it's been quite a while since you made this post, and I'm ever so sorry you did not receive a reply, so I really hope you did find some support to help you throught your troubles at this time, whether this be on line or in real life.
There is no shame whatsoever is having any kind of phobias, and the people who don't really understand this, is generally because they have never had to deal with anyone who has any, so I guess you can say, they need a little educating, having said that, you should be pretty proud of yourself for recognising your own needs, your triggers and dealing with these efficiently and affectively, and taking control, so well done sweetheart, because this in itself is a huge achievement, and having the backing of a considerate teacher is very encouraging to hear. Don't worry so much about what other people think, because quite honestly, your are taking all the right steps for you, and their opinions don't really count for much anyway, you just keep on taking care of you, because that's what matter the most!
I wish you all the best!
I'm really sorry that this is something that you have to go through, but i'm happy thst you have a teacher that understands and allows you to leave the room.
You're friends sound like they don't mean to upset you, however that doesn't mean that their words aren't hurtful or damaging. Maybe you could try to talk to some of them about this. I know you said you have social anxiety, but sometimes talking to people can help ease that anxiety, as you know that those people aren't going to judge you.
I'm sorry that this is a really late reply, but i hope that it finds you well :)
This post is kind of old now. I hope you're doing good and fighting with your fears. I know its not easy but nothing is bigger than your strength.