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Fear of parents dying

GingerMC April 4th, 2021

Hey guys. I thought I’d express one of my recent fears. Ever since my father died I have had significant anxiety over my mother dying. I was terrified of her suffering from that broken heart syndrome months after my father died. Months have passed and she is still here thankfully, though the worries have still persisted. She recently had an episode where her blood pressure temporarily dropped to 75/43 hg (probably from standing too much and my anxiety went through the roof. She’s ok now, though I am still recovering from that anxiety.

warmheartedHuman2827 April 4th, 2021

I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you and your mother. I think it’s normal to be concerned for her health now too but know that she has you there and I’m sure you mean everything to her, so that helps her carry on. Hugs to you both♥️

Dwi32Dew April 4th, 2021

Hi, Ginger. I know how you feel. I felt the same way when my dad passed away. I worried a lot about my mother, and often felt anxious when I got call from home during work. But I tried not to show it to her. I tried my best to distract her mind from her grief, like not talking about my dad or anything related to him. I also took her to go out sometimes. I'm sure this pandemic make it hard to do, but try it if you have chance. You need to stay positive, to be able to support her. I hope you and your mother are doing fine there ❤️❤️

GingerMC OP April 13th, 2021

Thank you so much for the support guys!! I mean, logically I know that it is highly unlikely that anything terrible to my mother would happen now, but the fear still persists anyways. Usually the first thought that enters my mind when I wake up is “is she still alive”! LOL