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What does a panic attack feel like?

128walruses October 24th, 2015

I'm not sure if I've had one. I sometimes get really anxious and can't breathe to the point where I think I'm going crazy, but I'm never sure if that's what it is. Does that sound like a panic attack to you?

October 24th, 2015

Simply put, a panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming anxiety and fear. Your heart pounds and you can't breathe. You may even feel like you're dying or going crazy. Left untreated, panic attacks can lead to panic disorder and other problems.

I tried, quickly, to find helpful links that can be trusted. This first one, although not terribly detailed, does give some suggestions on what actions you can take.

The English NHS is controlled by the UK government through the Department of Health (DH), which takes political responsibility for the service. Resource allocation and oversight was delegated to NHS England, an arms-length body, by the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

There are plenty of articles in proper peer-review publications by professional, but they are usually meant for professionals, are extremely difficult to read & understand.

I hope my few minutes of searching has pointed you in the right direction. When using Google for anything serious, I would suggest going to rather than just plain Google. Google's algorithm (how it 'rates' and numbers sites) doesn't always put correct information above one person's personal experience. Personally, I'm not necessarily interested in what might be the anecdotal experience of the 0.01%. You are the best to judge.

Be courageous

SilverWaterfall October 24th, 2015

Hello, there are two main forms of attacks which affect your breathing due to anxiety issues, etc. - these are anxiety and panic attacks. Anxiety and panic attacks are very similar, except with panic attacks you feel like you are going to die. Either way, this can help you to control your breathing For further support, feel free to contact a listener. Have a nice day! :)

MythologicalMayhem October 26th, 2015

People experience them differently.

When I have one, I go weak, light headed, my palms sweat, I go pale, feel nauseous and like I'm going to pass out and my heart pounds. You start worrying that you'll have a heart attack or that you're malfunctioning. Panic disorder developed very quickly for me so I had to take medication and I haven't had one since so I'd recommend them if you can have them