Supporting a Partner during Panic Attacks
I wanted to start a threat researching and brainstomring advice for people who may or may not have their own experiences with panic attacks and now have a partner who experiences them. How can a partner best support someone during Panic?
@SPeard I haven't had expereince helping my partner through a panic attack but I have had experience with a partner helping me through mine. And I from that, I know there are certain things you should and should not do. Although I think my tips ar emore for what you should do AFTER they are coming down from an attack.
~In the middle of the attack, try to be reassuring but limit physical contact. Being in the middle of an attack means that they feel like they can't breathe. So even if you mean well, getting into their breathing room and bringing them into a hug can cause the panic to get worse rather than better.
~When they are coming down from an attack and they are starting to recover, then you once again offer physical contact. But I would still suggest asking for consent and starting slow. Start with a reassuring hand on their shoulder and ask if they are ready for a hug.
~ I've also found rhythmic and soothing touches help when I'm coming down from an attack. I already do it to myself and my partner picked up on the behavior and started offering me the same. I tend to move my hand on my neck or chest in almost a petting motion. So my partner would run his hands through my hair, or rub gentle circles on my back, or move his hands up and down my arms. The touching is comforting and the tactile sensation can be just what a person needs to feel more grounded in the moment.
~Tend to basic needs. After particularly bad attacks, they might not realize how dehydrated or hungry they actually are. Make sure they get some water down and maybe bring them some snacks so even if they say they aren't hungry, they eat a little. They also might be tired because an attack can take a lot out of them especially if it was a big one. Let them rest when they are done.
~ Talk about something else. Right after an attack, I hate having to discuss what just happened. I'd rather focus on getting back to normal and once I've fully calmed down, then we can talk about it. So it helps if you talk to your partner about anything and everything else. They might not be chatting much at first. IT will feel more like you are monologuing next to them but as they start feeling better, they will start jumping in more.
That's all I have for now. I think this thread is going to be really helpful so thank you for making it.