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Thinking about going to therapy again but...

pinkteacup2002 May 6th, 2023

It's really hard to find a really good one here who would take me seriously, and my past experiences in therapy at 13 years old weren't exactly good? And my parents weren't doing well financially so they took me out of it. Mental health in this country isn't really taken that seriously, or at least I would've thought so years ago. So, I'm not sure how good it is now in 2023, but I doubt that they have gotten any better. I've been having problems with eating and chewing solid foods, and I dread at having to look at food on my plate. I don't eant my mom to see my cry again over a hamburger. My anxiety just doesn't let me consume any meals that I used to love, and the only thing I can eat are soups and milkshakes if I don't have the energy to eat something. I'm already scared of losing more weight, but I know that this is all temporary like everything else. Life isn't linear. There's going to be bumps on the road but it all goes smoother as you keep going. I'm trying not to be any more pessimistic as I already am.

I just really don't want to feel alone.

purplelady568 May 10th, 2023

@pinkteacup2002 HI, thank you for sharing some of your struggles here. I know it isn't always easy to open up to virtual strangers. But, you did it!

I agree that it can be really difficult to find a therapist or counselor who is a "good fit". Sometimes you may have to try quite a few before you really "click" with someone. Some even offer free 15 minute consults, to try to figure out if you and they would be a good match. I am not sure what country you are in, but I do know that here in the US, mental health services are quite lacking, and can be expensive and hard to obtain, with long wait-lists.

I would encourage you to keep searching for mental health services in your area. In the meantime, you can reach out to a listener anytime, 24/7, if you are feeling down, or just want to chat. You can even search for listeners that have lived experience with family stress, anxiety, eating troubles, or whatever topic you'd like to talk about. You can start here:

Please take care! <3

AngelmA May 11th, 2023

@pinkteacup2002 Hi! Thank you for sharing with us about your struggle with anxiety. I would like to especially commend you for keeping such a positive outlook even though your struggle is so great. I love that you said that this is just temporary and I certainly believe that it is as well. Eating is especially difficult when you are feeling so incredibly overwhelmed, and I know that perhaps not many people understand that. However, like @purplelady said, we are here to listen if you ever need to talk, thanks again for sharing with us and I wish you the best! 😊