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Side Character?

ram7474 March 29th, 2023

Do you guys think that there are certain people destined to be side characters all their lives?

would you see it as a weakness? You think they would live with that their whole life?

If they wanted to change, wouldn’t they look like they’re trying too much as it is not in their nature to try to stand out?

I really wanna hear honest opinions about that bc I think I might be one.

Gettingbettertoday March 29th, 2023


What ever life gives you you are the main character in the story.

sunnyWriting4806 March 29th, 2023


It's really hard to be able to see the world like that considering how many people have their own point of views and what they see. If you mean side characters as people who are generally passive and in the background, yes there are some more introverted people who'd prefer living a quiet and unnoticed life. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. It may very well be what the person believes is their version of a good life!

peacekeeper33 March 29th, 2023

I believe that there are "born leaders" and "born followers". Is that what you mean?

I am a natural follower and my husband is a natural leader. That doesn't mean we never change roles, but we always end up reverting back to our "natural" roles. It's just who we are. . . I don't see that as a bad thing.

Sometimes it probably comes off as trying too much, but that's ok. Practice makes perfect! Sometimes we have to stand up and lead. . . The more often we do it and go against our "nature," the better we will be at it in the future. It does get easier over time, but probably will never change our "nature." I do not see it as a weakness, in fact, knowing ourselves (who we are and who we aren't) is, if anything, a strength.

I hope that helps. .

TheAbsoluteMadLad March 29th, 2023


I like the way your thinking with the metaphor you use of "side characters"

I think you're almost right.

I think it's more of the "anti hero" or the character who is yet to become who they will be later in the story.

You haven't fully found yourself, and that's completely normal and ok. But that doesn't define the rest of your story, if it did, then your character arc would've ended before it even begun. And that's not how characters work, even side characters.

You have shown a desire to grow and become someone more, and that desire, guarantees that you will become someone, because it's what you truly desire.