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People’s opinions don’t matter

If there’s one big thing I’ve learned this year, it’s that other people’s opinions really don’t matter!

I know it can be hard not to care, because we all crave some form of validation. But caring too much can honestly tear you apart. It’s like you start losing yourself bit by bit.

I used to care way too much. I’d go out and feel judged, even though no one probably even noticed me. It was all in my head.

What I’m trying to say, is that no one really cares! Seriously.

Think about this: if you saw someone outside wearing something totally awful, would you really care that much? Probably not, right?

Exactly! So why would anyone else care about what you’re wearing, or how you look?

And even if someone said, “Oh, I don’t like your dress.”

Okay… and? How does that help me? It doesn’t.

Their opinion doesn’t change anything about your life, your happiness, or who you are. So just let it go.

Frankie111 1 day ago


Couldn't agree more.

Judging a person doesn’t define who they are. It defines who you are, so definitely in agreement that peoples judgments should have zero impact on your life.