New to anxiety
I’m working to understand my anxiety and these panic attacks. I went my whole life without them, but now for some odd reason, I’m getting panic attacks and intense anxiety in my 30s. So I’m reading about it and trying to learn how to beat it. If you have any techniques that you have found to be helpful in calming your anxiety storms, please share. I’m having anxiety and panic attacks a few times a week now, so I’ll take whatever I can get. Also, just to feel not alone in my crazy panic attack thoughts, tell me about yours. What happens? I have feelings of doom, feeling of fear of losing control, racing thoughts, sweaty hands, bouts of dizziness…ugh, panic attacks for me suck. Sometimes when it’s all going on, it feels impossible to quiet my mind. Does this ever get better?
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this. I do look forwards to winning over anxiety someday and if you’re in a similar situation, I hope you too find answers to help curb the intensity of these things.
Hello @DeltaGolf,
You may like to consider the following when you are anxious
and/or about to have a panic attack:
Diaphragmatic Breathing (DB)
It is a technique that most people can adopt on the spot & in most places.
It slows one's heartbeats. lower blood pressure & calm one's mind.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
An exercise that loosens up your overall muscles
and it is suitable to perform whenever you are alone & available.
Guided Imagery (GI)
You can put yourself with "visuals" in your mind
e.g. places such as a beach or in nature that relaxes one's mind.
Review your sleeping pattern,
Avoid drinking coffee before sleep because
it makes one alert & disrupts sleep.
Avoid watching TV before sleep because of its emitted blue lights.
Dim your room's lights and/or
play soothing light music in the background.
If you have no allergic reaction to herbs and/or plants
as well as no GERD or related issues,
you may like to consider drinking a small cup of Chamomile tea before sleep.
Having said the above,
when one has anxiety and/or panic attacks,
usually, there is an underlying issue that you need to address,
stress or fear are two common reasons that trigger one to react.
Do consider seeking a Therapist or Psychiatrist to identify
what caused your anxiety and/or panic attacks.
Yes, prescriptions may be another option
because certain drugs can reduce racing heartbeats
& effect can be immediate but
may not be suitable for one with a heart condition(s).
While certain drugs can be sedative &
cannot be taken during the daytime
which may cause hazards in workplaces.
Please remember to declare your medical histories and occupation
when you are in consultation with a doctor.
For your reference. :)
This is all terrific advice - above. Spot on. But most of all, take your time. You can't force it. But it will get better - if you practice - if you work a little bit at it every day - it will.....
I agree with the previous comments. I have had panic and anxiety attacks for about 10 years now, and sometimes I let them just happen, but when I'm out and about in public, I do the deep breathing thing and use the grounding technique to reorient myself ( I do get dizzy sometimes).
I have found 2 mantras that work for me amd I repeat them over and over again when I'm going through it, sometimes even out loud.
1. You're okay.
2. Imagined crisis.
For me, repeating to myself that I am physically okay and safe, and that what my mind and bosy are experiencing are due to a catastrophe that isn't happening is surprisingly helpful. I also seek people I am close to out during these times when I can. I have 4 people in my life I can reach out to, and they know that when I call and say I'm freaking out, I just need a distraction for 5 to 10 minutes and then I'm okay. It helps, even though I don't like doing it.
Another thing I do when I can is take a quick walk away from wherever the perceived stress started, usually to the restroom to run cold water over my wrists. That also helps and shortens duration of the attacks.
Hope one of these things can help you. It really sucks, and I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
I am also in my thirties, and sometimes the attacks feel like an early midlife crisis where I feel like I'm not living up. Not sure if you have the same thoughts or feelings. Regardless:
You are valid as you are.
You are human.
You are entitled to perfect imperfection.
@DeltaGolf yeah! They are all symptoms I get to. The feeling of everything suddenly hitting you at once, being overwhelmed and can't breath. It's so hard to cope with. Your not alone sweetie ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ are you taking medication to help you with this? Or seeking professional help??. I hope you do learn how to overcome this, sending lots of love your way ❤
Here is an article of a technique that I learned about that helps me a lot when anxiety gets bad, or I am having a panic attack. Maybe it would help you also. :)