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Need advice, support, encouragement

I have had anxiety and panic for almost ten years. I had it under control for several years, even weened off my meds. Then it came back ten-fold about two years ago. I went back on the meds, had to take a six week leave of absence from work. Even though I was on the meds I still struggled daily with massive anxiety. I finally asked the doctor to change my medications a week ago. I also started therapy two weeks ago. I am so sick of always having a pit in my stomach. I am also so sick of feeling like I am on the verge of a panic attack all the time. Does anyone have any words of advice or support?

Tinywhisper11 July 5th

@versatileSailboat4153 hiiii boat ❤❤ anxiety really sucks, I'm sorry you've been suffering all these years😥 hopefully a change of meds and therapy will help you learn to control/live alongside off ❤gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ squeezes you tightly ❤ I hope things start getting better for my little boaty floaty woaty ❤

Oh and welcome to forum land, I'm glad to see you here ❤

versatileSailboat4153 OP July 9th

Thank you so much @Tinywhisper11 .