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I miss him

User Profile: bestTalker9406
bestTalker9406 February 12th

I'm in a no contact with him since 5 weeks. He hurt me a lot but I still miss him because he was my bestfriend. I actually lost a lot of self respect for him so I don't want to initiate contact again. He was not putting efforts even in friendship. So I'm on a move on road but I miss him a lot. We had a special bond. I'm confused as to he is not contacting because he genuinely does not care or because he is feeling guilty for his actions.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 February 12th


That is the worst in friendships or relationship when it is ending we still have fond memories or things we shared and think of them .... we may think of things they did and say i am not going back to connect... but a piece of us also wonders why have they not tried to connect ? 

I think we have to realize we do not know how they feel they may be wondering too .... i feel the wondering is like something pushing us to contact. It will not be the same as it was ... you both learned about who was doing what for the relationship and often reconnect does not always end as a happy ending. 

User Profile: bestTalker9406
bestTalker9406 OP February 12th

Yup agreed.