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I am not able to get someone's thoughts out of my mind

frankTurtle651 March 11th, 2023


I am not able to get someone out of my mind. I want to emotionally detatch from that person, but I don't succeeded. I think, day dream about that person continuously & not able to concentrate on daily activities. Is it normal or not? The fact is that person can't be mine forever.

Suggest some practical tips.

jennysunrise8 March 12th, 2023

@frankTurtle651 it is normal to think a lot about someone or something you have strong feelings for and makes you feel good in some way (but also very understandable not wanting to have those strong feelings for someone you think will leave) is the reason you dont want to think about/have feelings for this person just because of your anxiety that the relationship wont last?

Mindfulness68 March 16th, 2023

Hey @frankTurtle651.

I can relate to all what you said. I found myself in a similar position more than thrice. Everytime, I keep remembering that same person in my mind and whenever I force myself to forget, it ends up even worse.

It will take some time to stop overthinking of that person in your mind depending on how much significantly they were present in your life.

But by time, it becomes better, when we start having new thoughts and new people to think of in our lives. We might not completely forget such experiences, which is completely fine but eventually we will be able to heal and move on from the past.

I wish you can overcome this soon and I invite you to contact listeners in this platform if you'd like additional support. Have a great day!! 😊

frankTurtle651 OP March 16th, 2023


Thank you for your support. It will help me a lot.