Health anxiety and panic attacks
Hi everyone
I haven’t been on here in a a while but I’m really really struggling right now. I recently started Prozac and am currently on 20 mg. I thought it was helping my anxiety but I haven’t felt like this in a while. Constant anxiety with 3-4 major panic attacks everyday. I also am struggling with my blood sugar and not knowing if I’m having blood sugar problems or if it’s anxiety. I don’t know what I’m feeling anymore. Everything is a struggle and I’m scared to leave my mom or dads side.
Has anyone had this experience with Prozac or is it just taking a while to kick in? Does anyone know much about blood sugar and how to regulate it in times like this?
Im terrified of everything right now and could use all the support you have. Thank you.
@llm23 hiii sweetie ❤ not with prozac. But other meds yes, have you consulted your doctor? Cause side effects vary from person to person, and you may need to switch to something different. I have low blood pressure, certain tablets make it much worse. And yeah sometimes you have to give meds a few weeks to start working properly. But please tell your doctor straight away
Hi, yes I have. Exactly like that. I would not have stayed on them.except my doctor gave me a medicine to calm the panic (just for a month or so). He said it will pass in 4 to 6 weeks. It did and I then felt so much better. Good luck. I know how you are feeling. X