Coping Skills - Derealization/Depersonalization
Hello all!
Does anyone have any coping skills or techniques that they use to help in moments of derealization?
I recently tried medication for anxiety & depression and I am now off. I am not sure that I will try medication again, and want to attempt to do certain things that may be triggering but want to have a good set of skills and techniques to use in the moment, if needed.
Thanks for any tips or feedback you may have!
@NewHorizon5544 I understand how scary and disorienting derealization can be. It's great that you're looking for coping skills to manage it. For this i see value in continuing professional help. You can tell them you don't want medicines & its totally your choice.
There are general techniques like grounding, engaging senses, distractions, positive affirmations, healthy routines, identify and manage triggers, relaxation activities like yoga/meditation. There are online resources here at 7cups to educate yourself with anxiety and general mental health techniques in general. But a professional can help you personalize and guide you in applying them as well as targetted plan for your condition to aid effective results.
Talking to a trusted friend/familty for support and comfort can help manage while going through it.