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Choosing to do "the thing"

Tokesbagoats January 24th

I have never created a post before, I have not been part of much therapy before. I feel I need to preface in this way because I am struggling majorly with motivation and procrastination.

I have struggled for way too long and have no idea where to start my repair. So I figured I would start here with my adhd that I have only personally felt the strong feelings I have.

1. I cannot remember the order of importance of major events in my life, just a generalized age or year when I happened, and cannot always price the story/memory correctly.

2. The levels of importance I have are based only on how I will feel in the end of the issue, I have been able to superpower this before but I burnout way to fast from last of control. Everything becomes important when this happens and I get overwhelmed and enrage easily.

3. I am either; A. Anxious and short emotionally; B. Depressed and lack of motivations; or C. Distant and unable to show empathy.

I have become so overwhelmed and unable to for a romantic connection with my partner. I have no been able to keep a job for over a year at any point in my life. I am struggling with my heart and mind to find myself a meaning to keep going outside of my family. I have no friends I connect with, I have no hobbies that I actively keep without getting way too sucked in and the again forget my order of importance I am intended to have with my responsibilities, I instead chase the happy feeling that grabs my attention in that moment and hope that it continues. Life is not this way however, there are turns and strifes and i can't get any mental thought away from making people around me happy, or caring about my happiness.

I need to be able to work and provide for my family, I need to be a safe place for my family so that they can rely on me. I need to be able to communicate and effectively show empathy towards my partner, and talk about issues they have without just getting anxious or depressed or distant.

I am getting onto a medication and seeking actual diagnosis. I can't keep living this way.

I am sorry I info dump, it's currently my only way. Any and all out reach is loved and appreciated. I just don't know where else to go and cannot afford anything outside of these amazing communities here.

Thank you

toughTiger6481 January 25th


I think there are many in these shoes.... lost and not knowing what to feel .......

chasing happy like we can catch it.... and if we do it is short lived.... jobs get old quick ....  when new the job  seems full of possibility and learning but at a certain point it is same old thing.... over and over. 

Same with hobbies and  social interactions... 

people do not understand the restlessness because they found peace in being content and not thinking they can always be "happy".   I personally feel this chasing happy is supported by the social media hype where videos show people who are overly excited or such over small items...    finding one or two things a week that make you smile/ laugh etc....and working from there..