Anyone ??
I used to be a good student in school and college days but i suddenly started loosing interest during my professional studies and now i am a depression patient and on SSRIs antidepressants
plz help me to regain my strengths
Hi Mubashar, I am sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your studies like you once were and that you are currently dealing with depression. Some questions for you; Are you finding that the medication is providing relief? Are you feeling ashamed in any way about having to use these medications?
I feel like depression is our body's intelligent way of telling us something is out of balance or unresolved within us. This usually stems from unprocessed emotions relating to a traumatic experience. What has happened in your past or what has happened recently, that could be triggering this depression to surface?
In response to gaining back your strength, I have found it useful to concentrate on what is going well in my life and express daily gratitude for it. In addition, I allow myself plenty of grace and compassion while I sort through my feelings and emotions. Healing anything takes time, so a good dose of patience is key.
I hope this gives you some ideas on how to proceed, wishing you all the best. 😊