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Ahhhhh help, how do I get this DONE??

SwanOfAges May 19th, 2023

Ahhh!!! I’m taking a class, and I LOVE the subject. It’s always come naturally to me. SO WHY AM I NOT DOING THE THING??? I don’t understand!! I actually like this but my brain. Won’t. Let. Me. Start. This has happened SO MANY TIMES. 😭

Snor1ax May 20th, 2023

@SwanOfAges Hey Swan!

I totally get the struggle you're facing right now. As a fellow student, I've had those moments where something I genuinely enjoy becomes a challenge to start. It can be really frustrating and confusing when our brains seem to put up roadblocks.

It's interesting how our brains can sometimes play tricks on us, right? Even though we're passionate about a subject, there are times when our motivation seems to vanish or procrastination kicks in. It's like our minds have a mind of their own!

I'm curious, have you noticed any patterns or triggers that might be causing this hesitation? Is there something specific about starting the task that feels overwhelming or daunting? Sometimes breaking things down into smaller, more manageable steps can help make the process less overwhelming.

You got this Swan, keep pushing forward!

SwanOfAges OP May 21st, 2023

Firstly, thank you so much for such a well thought out response. I love your writing style! Actually, yes - I’ve noticed that while I enjoy documentation and research in workbooks, I find it really difficult to get anything started on a computer. It’s far too much for me to process at once…

I was thinking of asking my college if there’s anyway I could work around this, it might be worth a shot x Thank you for the encouragement :)