non-ADHD Med ways of coping with ADHD?
I've got a heart condition, so I am trying to reduce my medication.
Aside from therapy, what have you guys found helpful? (Disclaimer: talk to your doctor before trying stuff - I am not giving medical advice, and what works for me might not work for you).
My psychologist suggested coffee (cardiologist gives it a thumbs-up), and that helps a bit. I also took zinc, and that helped with depression, but not ADHD.
I find mint tea calms my mind, but I haven't read anything about it. However, I know - from another friend with sensory problems - that it helps her, too. It also helps my mom (who finally has admitted that she has ADHD!).
Hi! I have ADD, and while I'm now on medication, my mum tried me on natural remedies first. One thing I found really helpful was L tyrosine. It had a similar effect to the medication I'm now on (Concerta), but I don't think it was as potent. Another thing she tried was a high-protein, low simple-carbohydrate diet. Hope this is helpful!
@crimsonOwl9644 I personally don't think natural remedies are any safer, milder or better than prescribed drugs. People think that because something is natural, it must be safe. Cocaine, Digitalis and weed are also natural and they all have positives and negatives for your health, same as many prescription drugs.
I'm not saying that natural remedies are any better or safer than prescription drugs. You would definitely need to do research or check with your doctor before you tried natural remedies to make sure they don't have bad side effects. All I said is that I took L tyrosine when I was younger and for me it had an effect similar to my Concerta (prescription med) now and that another thing I know is supposed to help is a high-protein, low-carb diet.