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Really and sensory overload

User Profile: BerryMeInRoses
BerryMeInRoses May 16th, 2021

Content warming: sensory overload, anger, crying, sleep deprivation Hi it’s currently 1:30 AM. I’ve been dealing with this 2 week stretch of overstimulation. Not enough to cry or scream but enough to be bed ridden this whole time and wear ear plugs regularly. Some very loud noises happened around 9PM and I started crying and screaming like a dam had broken. I’m not crying anymore but I cannot sleep even though I am tired. I knwo I’m one slight noise away from crying again and I’m scared. Any advice?

User Profile: FlourishingDimensions
FlourishingDimensions May 18th, 2021

Hi there, @BerryMeinRoses, I am sorry to hear you were going through this and feeling scared. I am wondering how you are doing today? For me, if I have troubles sleeping, I use a guided meditation app. Sometimes, if I am too stressed out or too overtired to try and concentrate, I flip on calming music designed to help fall sleep. Some of the meditation apps also have meditative sleep music available, like the one I use. Also, I have found many great meditative, deep sleep music on youtube. Just make sure to flip OFF the autoplay if you go the Youtube route.

Sending good vibes your way