Withdraw symptoms?
I have tried many, many times to stop using porn/masterbation however my withdraw symptoms are so bad. Usually, not only will I get the intense urge to do them but I will also get horrible bouts of anxiety/depression/loneliness (even though I was able to open up to my Aunt about it and she is trying to be there for me). As I'm going through it it is absolutely horrible, I feel like there will never be any hope for me and that I can't ever be fixed, but then once I get through it I'm usually okay. I was just wondering if anyone else has withdrawn symptoms and if so what are they and how do you deal with them?
@Ginger262 I actually haven't noticed withdrawal symptoms, just an insane urge to do it again. I may get withdrawal, but I'm so good at supressing stuff that I probbably didn't realise that I experience it. (if that makes sense) Good luck, and have a nice day!