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My bf has a porn addiction

User Profile: Taitemoon
Taitemoon April 5th, 2021

We were doing really well talking about his addiction everyday coming up with coping skills, how to make our relationship stronger, me being support for when he’s having a rough time. But with work and life we just got out of that routine. I haven’t talked to him about it because when I do now it’s like he puts up this wall and I feel like he just says what I want to hear. I’ve been supportive and I try to make it easy for him to talk to me about this bc I want to be someone he can come and talk to but now he doesn’t anymore. I think he started watching again and I don’t know how to bring it up or talk to him about it at this point. His porn addiction has lead to some really scary things (what he looks at wise) and I don’t want it to get back to that point. I love him and I’m not going to leave him bc he means more to me than anything but it’s really messed with my mental health and how I view myself, feeling like I’m not good enough. Even when we have sex I just want it to stop because I don’t feel like I’m what he really wants. I’m just having a really hard time and I feel like I have too much that I’m trying to figure out by myself and I need help.

User Profile: Yamiiee
Yamiiee April 6th, 2021

I think you deserve someone better who can treat you in a right way.

User Profile: Kylobrxnds
Kylobrxnds April 10th, 2021

Hi girly im in the same boat. He's addicted to the release. When he gets in that mindset its like his mind shuts down and he will do anything to get to that point

User Profile: wittyTree5354
wittyTree5354 December 2nd, 2024

I totally hear you girl :( I just joined this app to find someone who can relate to my situation. I’d love to talk about this with you if you are open to it.

User Profile: linkbektoperator18
linkbektoperator18 December 4th, 2024

I can tell you because I am the porn addict and my wife has been the one dealing with it , it’s very shameful and we feel very judged by our significant other when questions arise or even just having a talk about it is very stress inducing and hard to cope with . Maybe he is watching again but also maybe he isn’t . Just know ladies and believe it’s very hard on the guy to . And talking about it isn’t just easy for us. That may not help you at all and I can’t even put into word how it feels to be the addicted one tryin to break free of it or come clean about it or talk about it . Or how judged, shamed , or even we feel we are looked at by you for it .. I know Everytime something remotely sexual on tv , or words or underwear adds I feel like the wife is digging her eyes into me like I’m gonna have some sort of hulk like reaction to it . It’s embarrassing is what it is .