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Been addicted for over a decade

SuperMog7 2 days ago

I've been addicted to porn and masterbation for over a decade now. I've watched all kinds of videos, pictures, and even stories of various things. I've been *** every day, sometimes more than once a day. It's been interrupting my life and my realationship. My reward system in my brain is fried, I have desetisation and damage to my groin. I've given myself PIED. I don't have a support system besides my wife. She knows and is encouraging me to seek help besides myself, white-knuckling this addiction. I've been clean for almost a week, but the urges are daily. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

BlueSoul2290 1 day ago


I was just reading a Reddit post about someone who shared his experience with quitting this addiction.  so I'll share it with you, maybe it will be useful for you
SuperMog7 OP 5 hours ago

I read the post, and I'll try what he's listed, maybe it will help. Thank you so much