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Has having a job helped you overcome your addiction?

imightlikegirls January 22nd

Hi guys! I'm majoring in social work and am currently doing an investigation into the benefits that jobs have for people who struggle with addictions.

Could you tell me how being employed has helped you to stay sober or consume less? Or has your work caused you to consume more?

If you could add the substance that would be amazing, thank you so much!!

toughTiger6481 January 27th


Looks like no one answered .... i am not an addict but married to a recovering alcoholic  .....  i feel having a job helped him from getting much worse when he was drinking.... 

he knew he could not drink heavy on days he would need to go to work the next day but made weekends or vacations *** for us around him....

I do not think it is all about a job ................ but an attitude.... not a one size fits all application.    

The thing that can help is a sense of responsibility and not wanting to risk more by losing an income .... while others the substance was more important and they would let themselves be fired or quit etc....  

wtvrsclvr January 31st


Definitely helped me to use less when I was addicted to Meth. Mainly because I couldn't use while I was working. And I was working as an instructor so I believe it was a catalyst that helped me seek sobriety faster. I couldn't ruin my reputation, potentially bring problems on for the school, ruin relationships with parents and kids that relied on me. So yeah, aside from my other life reasons. Work positively impacted my sobriety. Although there were some tough moments at past jobs, mainly attendance and discovering what panic attacks were. That was the beginning of my addiction many years ago. I'd get dressed for work, clothes were not fitting, I'd cry, have a panic attack, go call crisis, either struggle to show up late with some stupid explanation or not go. Once my boss called the police to show up and make sure I was ok. That made me feel so special and she gave me some time to get healthy (told them I was struggling with mental stuff but not addiction) anyway, I ended that job as my life continued to spiral out of control. I was afraid to work for a long time afterwards but I sorta fell into a job and yeah, that's the beginning of my post lol 

Hope that helps and it's not too late. Good luck.

ChainFree4Evr February 1st

Im again on day one of abstaining from meth. I haven’t found too many meth addicts on here or ppl that understand the grip it has on your life. I just wanted to say that I hope that your job is just one of the very many reasons that you stay clean and sober. Idol hands…am I right? Keep up the good work and know your not alone out here.