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122 days

linkbektoperator18 April 3rd

Today I’m 122 days porn free .

it’s been some what hard to say the least I’ve been dealing with this for years , only decided to stop in the last 13 months .

I’ve been using a Brainbuddy app for the 122 days . It’s been great lots of tools to help and the counters for porn and masturbation .

what helps is staying busy … busy as f ….

no idle time to be bored .

ive started reading . Not a lot but a little in downtime to occupy my time .

I cook more .. bought my self a black stone now I make breakfast every morning for my family and dinner almost every night .

I deleted all social media apps , and any other app. Now if you dont have my cell number we don’t talk .

I had to do it for me . But my family was my main influence.

if ur struggling with porn . It’s worth the stop . I was a completely different emotionless person .

last night I opened a book and saw a picture of my grandpa . And got weepy .. he’s been gone 4 years … before I would have never .. my emotions are back … my heart is back …

if ur working in porn addiction .. keep up the fight …

if ur addicted to anything … and struggling … find the help u need that works for u … I know porn is silly addiction honestly rather embarrassing but it’s still an addiction .. I started it young .. and it had to go .. ur addiction isn’t mine .. mine isn’t urs .. but .. it’s still addiction . Keep ur head up .. keep pushing on .. you are worth it .

Kristynsmama April 15th


it sounds like you have found some really great coping skills!  Congrats on 122 days!  That is a big deal!
