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100 days

linkbektoperator18 March 12th

Today I’m 100 days porn free . Kinda been a hard seems long struggle . But noticing big changes in not using pmo ! Daily or multiple times daily .

if ur struggling keep on trucking . Slip ups happen push on . I have another app that helps me work steps , keep busy , and impulse control it’s been a great tool .

keep pushing on..

all struggles are different yet the same . I’ve found the online therapy here very helpful also !!

CheeryMango March 15th

Congratulations on reaching 100 days porn-free! That's a significant milestone, and I'm truly impressed by your dedication and perseverance. It's inspiring to hear how you've noticed positive changes and found helpful tools to support your journey. Keep pushing forward!

Glowingkiwi2024 March 21st

@linkbektoperator18 you are amazing , 100 days is really a good start to stop it completely… if u need to talk u can message me .. thnk u

linkbektoperator18 OP March 21st

Thank you for the encouragement