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Kaylakupcakes February 9th, 2021

Hi everyone, I’ve been sober for a little over a month and I’m having cravings. I only have craving when I get super happy or excited. And I never really used daily just once a month or at my worst one or two times a week. I’ve just came to the conclusion I was an addict that I did have a problem but I can’t tell anyone of my achievements due to scrutiny from my peers or family. But I was just help with my cravings and to be proud of my sobriety. I just want methods on how to get rid of them or to ride them out without using.

stevesaget22 February 10th, 2021

It doesn't work for everyone but fasting has helped me when I actually commit to it. I know there's a lot of people that say it's not healthy but when I compare not eating for 2 or 3 days to losing my job,ruining relationships, and ending up in the hospital again I tend to pick the not eating. It's not for everyone but idk it just helps me for some reason. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or expert just a random person on the internet.