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Past Life

Linognathus December 16th, 2021

Have you ever think who you were in the past life?

If me, I think I’m a plant lol because I really like sunlight and it feels like home when I am in a jungle. I drink lots of water lol and I’m quite concerned with environmental issue.

When I was a kid, I cried when I see trees dying.

I’d love to know who you think you were in the past life and why do you think so?

*lets get that imagination gears in our head moving!

Linognathus OP December 16th, 2021

So cute to be a cloud! Kinda fluffy and soft and somewhat cuddly >.<

Fangirling999 December 16th, 2021

I’m probably a pirate in past life.

Linognathus OP December 16th, 2021

Hahaha whyy?? Travelling on seas and attacking other ships? >.< sounds dangerously exciting haha

Fangirling999 December 16th, 2021

@Linognathus I have the personality for it. I don’t usually want other peoples stuff or am into murder, I just like adventure and new places.

Linognathus OP December 17th, 2021

Yea new places are fun. Everything new and exciting >.< if you’re into anime I think there’s anime that is about pirate adventures. The anime is One Piece. They travelled from island to an island looking for the treasure the past pirate king had left. And then all the new friends they met along the way with their own past.. being a pirate in that sense do seems fun :D

Fangirling999 December 17th, 2021

@Linognathus I find that too amateur, but sure.

intellectualFan4477 February 10th, 2022

I never think that untill now i think i was a sheep which was controlled my a bad shepherd.