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"Why don't I make progress?"

User Profile: eeveeon
eeveeon November 25th, 2017

Good morning students!

I often get a lot of questions from people who feel stuck wondering why they cant see any progress when they are studying. Try not to fear, a lot of people feel this as well.
Now, there could be many reasons as to why (so post more below if you can!), but this is one of the main ones that I can think of right now.

Think of the ideology of quantity vs quality.

As a student – Ive known many others students and even myself utilising a technique which ensures that I study for a really long period of time, but in essence, the length is not what matters. I was more focused on studying for hours (with breaks), rather than making sure I covered content in a qualitative manner.

When thinking in a quantitative manner, we generally sit, read for a while and let our mind wander. We do this for a long period of time which feels like we have studied a good amount but in reality we havent.
Whereas when thinking in a qualitative manner, we stick to the point and do what we can in a period of time before our brain begins to fatigue (or wander off).
It is a common issue that students face, but can be broken down fast with effort. Remember that students need not give up, rather push and try again. If you study once and dont remember the information, try again.

Heres an example of a good way to study with quality:

Get yourself a white board, magnets or sticky-notes that you can write topic points on, and a white board marker.
Put topic questions on the board and challenge yourself to write underneath them the points that are discussed, and what is included in that topic. This is a classic memory game that gets your mind really working, and this is a fantastic study technique for some.
This may not work for you, but keep in mind that there are plenty other study techniques out there. Get creative with it!

Here are some tips for when you feel like you are stuck:

- Keep calm (progress can take a little bit to show up, so ensure that you wait patiently for it).
- Challenge yourself (If nothing shows up- try harder, keep going)
- Visualise success (imagine in the future how happy you would be after achieving something)
- Ignore the negatives (focus on what is positive, and utilise that to):
- Not give up!

User Profile: Miaslyfe
Miaslyfe November 25th, 2017

Progress is something that can take a lot of time. If you are patient and stay motivated progress will begin to be seen. In order to achieve you must believe. Never stop believing.

1 reply
User Profile: eeveeon
eeveeon OP November 26th, 2017


Very wise words!

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