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User Profile: eeveeon
eeveeon November 16th, 2017

How to study effectively.

Many students often face difficulty studying. I have previously made a study guide, but I have received many responses from it asking to talk about it more, so here it is!

To get better grades while you are studying it is first important that you make smarter study habits. What you DONT want to do is cram or study for too long – that isnt what will help.

The following study habits are proven study techniques found internationally that can help improve your study.

1. Your approach to study.

When you look at it the correct way, studying can be very enjoyable. Before you study it is a good idea to put yourself in a good mindset will give you a better chance at succeeding.

If you feel as though you cannot change your mindset, that is okay, but you shouldnt study at this time. Never force yourself to study at a time that you are having a difficult time, as this can cause stress and frustration (which is genuinely not good for your mental health).

It would be better for you to come back to studying when you have free space in your mind to really focus.

2. Where you study can impact your concentration

Try to study in a place that doesnt have a lot of distractions. Studying in places without TVs, computers or other people that otherwise would potentially distract you will make it easier to take in information, and memorise it effectively. Places that are great for study include: libraries, study halls, quiet places and perhaps study places that you have created to avoid distraction.

Finding a good study space is good because once you enter it, your mind will automatically go into study mode. This could potentially help you for the next few years, so it is a good idea to get into it early. If you dont find it quick, that is okay, but eventually you will need to find a space that suits your study technique.

3. It is best to only bring the things you need

So, youve found an ideal place to study, now youve potentially brought things that you dont actually need. Somethings you dont need are computers and phones, unless you absolutely have to use them for notes. Computers and phones can be the biggest distractions as they have access to internet and games – which will drag you down when you are trying to focus.

Bring the things that you absolutely need to study.

You dont want to waste time by needing to run back and forth to go and utensils and or notes that you need, so take your time before hand. Make a list (internally or externally) of what you need to bring. This will ensure that you dont waste more time later.

The following extensions are great for blocking websites to reduce distractions! Click me

4. REVISE your notes

This includes outlining and rewriting notes to remember all of the information. You want to outline the most basic components of your notes as a reminder of what they broaden into. At first this will be difficult for most, but with experience, it will become easier. Try to pick out words that will stand out to you, that is a great memorising technique. Try not to copy your friends notes – it often results in confusion as you didnt take to remember the structure or the outline of the notes.

While writing out notes, it can be good to read them out too. Reading and vocally expressing your study can trigger your brain to memorise the information even more. Utilising the senses of your body can be a great way to memorise.

5. Memorising!

Try to play things such as memory games. Try to make acronyms for names of important topics or syllabuses. Everyone is different, however if you find a simple way to string together something that will stand out to you and that you will remember effectively, then do it. Whatever helps you memorise is exactly what you want in this situation.

Again, they dont work for everyone, if they dont work for you, that is definitely okay. Perhaps you may be a visual learner, utilising images and physical things to help you memorise.

If you are unsure of what type of learning is best for you – try this test. Click me

6. Practicing by yourself, or with other students.

It depends on who you are and how you learn – but sometimes studying will friends can be an effective way of learning. It is different from copying notes, as in this situation you are discussing together and collaborating with each others ideas. This is another great memory technique.

Studying by yourself is also acceptable – you can review old exams, make your own notes and review your own notes at your own pace. Whatever works for you will be the best technique.

7. Scheduling!

Some people find they cant study well because they dont schedule! More often than not, when writing down a clear and concise schedule, you will study harder and enjoy your breaks when you have them.

Dont study for TOO LONG. If you find study relatively easy, 50 minutes studying and a 10-minute break is the best technique.

If you find it difficult or get anxious and stressed, try the Pomodoro Technique, mentioned in this post: click me

To avoid cramming at the end, study regularly throughout the semester. The amount of study time will be smaller in the instance, but you will remember the information better. The frequency isnt that important, more so that you at least once a week take your time to schedule a study period, and utilise it effectively.

8. Give yourself breaks

Like I mentioned above, taking breaks while studying is ESSENTIAL. You dont want to be studying for 2-4 hours without any breaks, you will become mentally fatigued easily, and that will drag you down.
What is best is that you change your attitude, and diving your study into segments.

Both techniques above are great, however it is up for you to decide what works best for you.

Giving yourself rewards for studying effectively and on schedule is a good attitude and motivation booster. Anything that will make you happy and treat your mind will be the best abortion for you! This is a good form of self-discipline. It doesnt work for everyone, but for a lot it may, so it is good to give It a try.

9. Be healthy and mindful of yourself

After scheduling, you will find that it is easier to balance out your life, work and school. Varying your time and separating it will ensure that you make time for everything, which is essential for a good and happy mindset and wellbeing. Keep this in mind when you are working towards something.

This also includes exercise and eating right. Dont forget about your body, because sometimes forgetting about it can cause sudden stress, and we often dont know where it Is coming from. Get your daily nutrients, eat properly and well, and exercise if you need to. (Exercise includes anything that gets your body moving – the goal isnt to lose weight but to maintain your muscular strength. You want to keep your body moving throughout the day to release tension).

If you are having trouble with your mental abilities – consider looking for herbs that may help. These include ginkgo, ginseng, gotu kola and more. They may help you enhance the abilities of your mind (which include your concentration, aptitude, behaviour, how alert you are and more). Dont use these as a substitute. They may not work for you, and if they dont they it is good to try something different.

10. Expect what is coming from your class

Most teachers will create a study outline – you can follow this and check up on it early to prepare yourself. If not, ask your teacher. Your courage to speak up and inquire about what the rest of the class will include will show your dedication.

Pay attention. If you pay attention, you will take information in regularly, and you will get ‘light bulb moments when you hear something that is important.

Teachers often summarise their notes – dont copy and paste these and think they are enough. They are more often than not, not enough. Expand on the summary that you are given – that will show your understanding, and if it is confusing, dont be afraid to ask for help!


Information drawn from these sites


top universities

oxford learning

Deakin AU

User Profile: Elenny02
Elenny02 November 17th, 2017

@eeveeon Very great post! I personally keep an agenda to keep track of my college work. It is very helpful and easy to follow!

User Profile: tinugeorge
tinugeorge November 18th, 2017


Very useful information, thanks for sharing with us