The Amazing Effectiveness of the Big Bad Scary IUD (Intrauterine Device)
In honour of World Sexual Health Day, check out this amazing post by @ColourfulClarity
For many people in North America, when one thinks of birth control, it is usually male condoms and hormonal oral contraceptives. When used together, they are an effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STI). If this is how you practice safer sex, keep it up! You are doing a great job at protecting your sexual health. But the most common form of reversible contraceptive/birth control worldwide is the Intrauterine Device (IUD). It is used by approximately 15% of women who use reversible contraceptive. It is most commonly used in Asia and Europe. It is used the least frequently in North America and Oceania. I have an IUD and I love the freedom and protection it provides. I would love to explain where the North American distrust of the IUD came from and my positive experience so far!
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