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Sharing Circles - How to Open & Close them

AffyAvo March 11th, 2020

See here for the information on Sharing Circles.

These started using an opening based on AA, and in some cases a closing as well. This is making some uncomfortable. Share your suggestions for an opening and/or a closing or give some constructive feedback on what has been suggested.

Also, if you have a preference for which rooms should be used or which ones shouldn't that can go here too!

AffyAvo OP March 11th, 2020

This is what was used for the opening (I don't have a copy of the specific closing, but heard it's based on the Serenity Prayer):

Please imagine taking the hand of the person above or below you. At the end, if comfortable, please say Let it Be.

Love, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as many spiritual leaders did,
This difficult world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that love will make all things right,
If I surrender to love,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with love in the future.

Let it be.

This was the close I caught from today, not really a ritual or group thing -

Thank you everyone for participating in our sharing circle. We meet here at 12PM and 8PM EDT every day. Our meeting lasts for an hour. These circles are an opportunity for you to share your story, talk about your journey and to tell us what's on your mind. If you would like to connect with a listener, please do so here We also have topic specific forum check-ins that are open around the clock for you to share and get support in, you can find the full list here: Finally do not forget to take daily steps on your growth path! Each step is designed to give you an insight or a skill to help you grow stronger.

AffyAvo OP March 11th, 2020

Suggested Opening -

We come here to share and support each other. We hope all may benefit as members share their experiences.

Sending beams

Moky March 12th, 2020

i think its a very unfortunate that the 24/7 room now is more a 22/7 room now. i thought the idea was good but now that i saw it changed my mind and i have to disagree with the whole concept. the religious undertone is really strong and i cant see this working together well with the site in general. the short answers make it seem like a superficial, grotesque farce additionally. i can see how it can help some people to unload, but i cant see how blocking the only support room thats officially open still as a group chat for that is fair in any way to the people who dont want to participate. the 24/7 room is the only place where you can officially get help in a group setting. and barring people for two hours each day from it is in my opinion not the solution. i for myself did now not know where i should or could go after i decided to not join the circle as an active participant for multiple reasons. im sad over this recent development and hope that there is a better solution to be found.