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7cups Pet show 1st July-7th July

User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 July 3rd, 2018

Happy 5th Birthday 7cups!!!!!! Wow what a wonderful achievement cups has made to reach its 5th birthday!!!

This event has been requested to take part in the mant celebrations taking place over the week to celebrate the wonderful achievements that cups has made to date and it is a Pet Show Competition.

Many of us talk for hours about our pets and the things they bring to our lives, the comfort, the love, joy, tears, vet bills, fleas lol to name a few things but we wouldnt be without them. And so out of dedication to the love we have for our pets we are holding a pet show in honour of our pets.

Each day from 1st July-7th July there will be a different category in which you can post photographs of your beloved pets. We ask you post their picture under the relevant category and give your photo a title so that those voting for you will know who they are voting for and what pet. At the end of day six the top two winners are announced for each category.smiley

On day 7 there will be a Best in Show. This is where the top winner from each category will be entered into an overall vote to be the Best In Show for the 7cups 5th Birthday Celebrations this year.heart A new form will be posted up and listener and members will be asked to vote again for the Best in Show Pet which will be announced at the end of day Seven.

The category for Day One is: Best Puppy/Kitten (under one year)

The category for Day Two is: Best Veteran (9yrs Plus)

The category for Day Three is: Best Scruffy Pets

The category for Day four is Best Rescue Pet

The category for Day Five is Best Exotic/Reptile Pet

The category for Day Six is Best Assistance/Support Animal

The category for Day Seven is Best In Show

**Please click on category name for the voting form**

Images can be uploaded using Imgur direct link

Everyone is welcome to post up pictures of all their fur babies but if you wish to enter you fur baby into a category please ensure that you label your post together with the category and a title for your picture so that those voting know what to vote for!!!smiley

#7cups #birthdayparty #petshow #celebration

So please get posting with your pet pics, we'd love to see them all!!! smiley And remember to give all your pictures a name heart

User Profile: Laura
Laura July 3rd, 2018


Love this!! What about middle aged pets!? Coco is 5!

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 3rd, 2018

@Laura Hi Laura, Everyone gets the chance if their pets don't fall into the categories chosen for this show, to share them all with us once the Best in Show winner is chosen but stay tuned there are more categories to come! smiley

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User Profile: peacefulSoul8
peacefulSoul8 July 3rd, 2018

@Rain45 where do we submit pictures and how I have a golden retriver nmaed Maxi who is 11 years old:)! hes soo cute

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 4th, 2018

@peacefulSoul8 You submit your pictures here in this forum. Post up your picture here, together with the category your entering, with the title/name of your picture so that people know what to vote for and who to vote for and which category. The top two category winners for all the categories will be announced at the end of day 6. Then on day Seven, the top winner of each category will be entered into the best in show category on day seven for everyone to vote for on day seven smiley

Day one July 1st - Best Puppy/Kitten

Day two - July 2nd - Best Veteran (9yrs and over)

Day three - July 3rd - Best Scruffy Pet

Day four - July 4th - Best Rescue Pet

Day five - July 5th - Best Exotic/Reptile Pet

Day Six - July 6th - Best Assistance/Support Animal

Day Seven - July 7th - Top winner of all above categories will be entered for the Best in Show and listeners and members will be asked to vote for the Best In Show Category.

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User Profile: peacefulHug92
peacefulHug92 July 6th, 2018

@Rain45 here's my baby (an old baby) boy: we're entering him for best veteran and best rescue Pet! We'll call this entry Rory. he is such a cutie, isn't he? heart

edited by Rain45 Fitted pictured in post

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User Profile: Amandisa16
Amandisa16 July 6th, 2018


What a handsome boy!

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User Profile: peacefulHug92
peacefulHug92 July 6th, 2018

@Amandisa16 awh, I told him that (he was very happy heart)

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@peacefulHug92 Ah what a beautful pet, and handsome one for a veteran heart

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User Profile: peacefulHug92
peacefulHug92 July 6th, 2018

@Rain45 awh thankies! Also, thanks for fixing the picture!! heart

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 4th, 2018

@peacefulSoul8 Oh Maxi can be a Veteran entry smiley Please do post Maxi we'd love to see him. If you use Imgur and upload a picture of Maxi there, you can then use the direct link and upload maxi's picture here :)

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 4th, 2018

Sally - Best Rescue Category - Was a cruelty case, was rescued, put into an animal rescue charity, then foster care, was adopted initially but the person had an unknown allergy so was returned where she awaited a home. Then I rescued her. She know lives with me and is also a qualified assistance dog so will be entering her into this category also on day six. She lives happily at home with two cats who rule the roost and is now a happy dog after such an unhappy start in her early life smiley

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User Profile: rozie
rozie July 4th, 2018


Oh beautiful girl.. how lucky she is to have found a home with you and two cats!

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 4th, 2018

@rozie Thank you Rozie, she was a bag of bones and yeah was abused badly locked up most of her life, etc but now lives very happily and was so clever she became a duel trained assistance dog smiley but will always be much loved pet first heart

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User Profile: Amandisa16
Amandisa16 July 6th, 2018


Sally's absolutely gorgeous! what breed is she?

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@Amandisa16 She is a border collie X Australian Cattle Dog :)

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User Profile: GimmeTheMuffins
GimmeTheMuffins July 4th, 2018

Crunchy (Best Rescue Pet!)

And he is the very best! This is Crunchy! We didn't pick his name, he's a rescue, so we accept it even though it's quirky. It fits him! He is the sweetest kitty, he has a soft fluffy orange coat and the sweetest nose and little toes. You can see here how fluffy he is. He was brought to the shelter with his mom and litter of siblings, and they were all adopted but him. He was all alone at the shelter and missing his family, so my family brought him home and made him one of our own. He's the sweetest pet I've had and I'm so glad we got a rescue and gave him a home! He's been with us for around six months now :)

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User Profile: GimmeTheMuffins
GimmeTheMuffins July 4th, 2018

Crunchy - Sorry here's the clickable version of that link! Best Rescue Category


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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018


Beautiful picture muffins, I updated your post for you so everyone can see your beautiful cat in the forum. What a wonderful rescue cat heart How long have you had your cat?

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User Profile: GimmeTheMuffins
GimmeTheMuffins July 6th, 2018

@Rain45 Thank you! We've had him since December smiley heart

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User Profile: Amandisa16
Amandisa16 July 6th, 2018


Oh he's so cute Muffin! Your making me want to get another cat!

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@Amandisa16 Cats are so comforting Amandisa and much more indepedent than dogs are. Also as I joke often but its so true, Dogs are so fickle and cats are so much smarter sometimes than dogs eg its hot as you know in the UK at the moment. What does the dog do, sit outside panting away and you have to tell them to get inside and drink water. whereas the cat knows how to keep in the shade and find the coolest spot lol And of course the reverse is true also, the cat knows where to find the warmest spot also lol smiley

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

Best Assistance Dog - Sally

This was when Sally was in training but after two years she went onto qualify smiley

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User Profile: KLM3278
KLM3278 July 6th, 2018


Ohhhh!!! ❤️❤️❤️I vote for Sally!!!

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@KLM3278 Aww thanks but I hope others will post up lots of pics of their lovely pets. :)

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User Profile: peacefulHug92
peacefulHug92 July 6th, 2018


User Profile: Amandisa16
Amandisa16 July 6th, 2018

Hi this is my deceased pet Tammy, I have added him to the "veteran category". I got him when I was 4 years old, and he died when I was 22 years old. So he lived to a grand age of 18!, the vet said that his heart was so strong he could of lived another 10 years. He was a huge muscular cat, a Norwegian Forest Cat, this picture only shows half of him!

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@Amandisa16 22years old!!!! wow thats quite an age for a cat and a norweigan forest cat is beautiful. I think they are magnificant cats. So wish we had the whole pic lol heart

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

Aisha - Veteran Category at 11yrs of age

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User Profile: Amandisa16
Amandisa16 July 6th, 2018


Aisha's beautiful! is she a Norwegian Forest Cat or "wedgie" too?

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@Amandisa16 Shes Turkish Van X :) She was dumped with her mum and two brothers when she was a kitten and I quickly snapped her up but shes quite destructive lol She likes to pull out my window sealant lol And chews through my headphones if I leave them lying around smiley

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User Profile: Amandisa16
Amandisa16 July 6th, 2018


Ahh Turkish Van! this is also quite a rare breed, she's lovely. Yes they can be quite destructive can't they, Tammy thought it was a good idea to eat a Cactus plant. We spent a good hour trying to remove the pines from his nose!

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User Profile: KLM3278
KLM3278 July 6th, 2018

Best Scruffy and Rescue Pet - Cuddle grey cat

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 6th, 2018

@KLM3278 Love this, he/she is beautiful. Such lovely intense eyes and a beautiful coat smileyAre you entering them into a category?

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User Profile: KLM3278
KLM3278 July 6th, 2018


HE!!! I love him!!! I think he is cuteness and most cuddly award ❤️😃🐾🐾🐾🐾

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP July 7th, 2018

This is the last chance for all you guys to post your pictures of your beloved pets before the results are announced in 3 and a half hours time for each category of Day 1-6. yes

Then we will announce the winners of each category so that voting can begin for the Best in Show for Day Seven - Today! You are all welcome to post up your pets for each category for the past 6 days and we would love everyone to vote for their favourites. smiley

Once the winner for each category have been announced, we'd love everyone to vote for today's category to which is Best in Show. Voting will close at 2am EST time. The winner for Best in show will then be announced at approx 2.30am. We'd love everyone with a pet to post up their pictures today even if they do not fit a category chosen for this show. heart