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Module 3. Emotion Regulation: (Discussion #6) ABC PLEASE - Physical Health ("PLEASE")

QuietMagic March 15th, 2022

DBTuesday is a series of posts where we explore skills and concepts from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

This is one of several posts focusing on emotion regulation, which is the third module of DBT skills training. See this post for general info about DBT and this post for more info about emotion regulation.

What is PLEASE

In previous DBTuesday posts, we discussed the first three skills of ABC PLEASE for reducing vulnerability to negative emotions: accumulating positive emotions, building mastery, and coping ahead.

This post covers all of the remaining skills ("PLEASE") which are skills for taking care of our bodies:

  • Physical iLlness
  • Eating
  • Avoid mood-altering substances
  • Sleep
  • Exercise

It’s harder to feel well emotionally if you aren’t feeling well physically. By taking care of your physical health as best as we can, you’re less likely to experience overwhelming emotions and better able to tolerate them if they do occur.

Physical illness

  • Treat any physical illnesses (whether it’s a minor cold or a chronic condition)
  • Take any prescribed medications
  • Go see a doctor as needed to undergo testing


  • Eat a balanced diet that gives you enough energy throughout the day
  • Notice how your body feels based on what you eat and eat foods that make you feel good
  • Certain foods might give a short-term boost in mood or energy but can cause you to feel worse later (e.g. caffeine, sugar, foods high in fat
  • If you aren’t feeling well, skipping meals or eating junk food can cause you to feel worse

Avoid mood-altering substances

  • Avoid/reduce use of street drugs, alcohol, non-prescribed medications, caffeine, and nicotine
  • These can exacerbate mental health symptoms such as depression or anxiety or cause you to act in ways that don’t fit your values
  • If you do use these, notice how they make you feel and what function they serve; if you find that they cause problems, see if you’re able to find an alternative that doesn’t have these issues


  • Lack of sleep can reduce the energy you have for daily tasks, reduce your patience, and increase your anxiety
  • Notice how you feel based on the amount of sleep you get. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep, but some people need more sleep or feel fine with less sleep
  • Some tips for getting enough sleep: limit daytime naps, avoid electronic devices before bedtime, do something relaxing before bedtime, keep your bedroom dark and cool, sleep and wake at the same times daily, and limit substances like caffeine and nicotine that affect sleep quality


  • Exercise can help decrease anxiety and depression both in the short-term and the long-term
  • Exercise does not have to be high-intensity; it can be simple things like walking to the store, a bike ride with family, gardening, or walking around the neighborhood
  • Pick something that feels fun or enjoyable as opposed to stressful and exhausting


Are there any habits related to physical health that you notice are helpful for feeling better?


@Adeline12345 @ahhhhelpimalive @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @berrymimi @bestcase @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @crang17 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @Goldcherry2113 @GrahZeymahzin @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @Lemino @LightsFromDark @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @QueenBee03 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @toucans @Triscups @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @Xe @YourCaringConfidant

QuietMagic OP March 23rd, 2022


Just responding to get this thread out of the needs reply queue. 😊 I've personally noticed that diet and sleep in particular affect my mood a lot. If I don't eat enough or eat certain kinds of food, my body just feels off for a day or two. Likewise if I get less than 6 hours of sleep.