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Story Quest (Choose your own Adventure Style)

User Profile: Alone237
Alone237 March 4th, 2023

If you have read "Choose your own Adventure" books, then you can guess what is a story quest. I will write a story and the readers, YOU, will decide the path the main character will take. I love writing and this will help motivate me to write. If this tickles your fancy, let's choose a story together!

Pick a story
Option 1️⃣: Breesh Temerária is a Bastão, a human who can shapeshift into a bat. The Bastãos are located primarily in the northeastern region of São Domingos. Breesh, a Bastão of the Diphylla ecaudata species, was born in the most beautiful cave, Terra Ronca. Over generations, her clan of Bastãos modernized the cave, making it a beautiful mansion she calls home. In her clan, the strongest has the last say and civil battles happen on the daily; it is the only method of ranking up, by challenging those of higher ranks. Most Bastãos simply listen and abide to those of higher ranks, while others refuse to take orders unless beaten in a battle. Breesh, since she was a child, has been known to fight over meaningless orders; she wants to reach the same rank as her father or even higher, but that was not her only goal. She has had a deep passion for feathers; she has a dream to collect them all from the various bird species in the world and make crafts out of them.

The Bastãos of the Diphylla ecaudata species consume only avian blood and on rare occasions Mammal blood. Breesh Temerária is one of the many sanguivorous huntresses who hunt wild birds in the forest as her clan's secondary food source. A few of their kind farm outside of the national park, Terra Ronca, raising chickens and roosters for both profit and as the primary food source for their clan. Their product name, Frango do Mestre, is widely known in Brazil with its logo being a silhouette of chicken with bat wings. Like most Bastãos, Breesh's clan is very old fashioned and works much like a gypsy-mafia hybrid, unafraid of out-casting or even killing those who do not wish to serve the clan, and also not allowing their kind to breed with other races; breeding with different species was only slightly acceptable, but still frowned upon. The clan is extremely proud of their species uniquely short ears; padless, short thumb; and large, shiny eyes when they're in their tiny beast form.

Breesh's story begins with a mission. Instead of hunting wild birds, she was assigned to hunt a Bastão who seemingly forgot his place. This was also an opportunity for her to rank up in her clan.

Option 2️⃣:

The grounds were far from flat, several hills and mountains made up Mamaley. Their trees were large, but scattered throughout the lands. You would find many Centaurs populating the open fields within valleys where the land was somewhat plain. They are hunters and never feared to be hunted.

In the lands of Mamaley, where centaurian beings roam, a young hero was asked to come forth by the Chief of Mamaley. Years ago, the Mamaleyans gave birth to a new centaurian being; it was not four-legged, but two, so this form was called an Ipotane. Faulin was the name of this Ipotane; she was the first of her kind. She was a symbol to the centaurians of the union of humans and themselves, but as she aged, her beauty became more apparent, then she was kidnapped. The Chief feared it was one of their own who caused this mischief, so this resulted him seeking aid from outside his herd.

Now, the story beckons this new hero on a mission to save Faulin, a beautiful young maiden, from what has befallen her...

Both stories are 100% original and are mine.

The first image is not mine, but the second was paid to an artist as a commission.

This is not a place to chat. Only respond with the emojis corresponding with the options. Everyone is welcome to vote. In this case, vote by posting 1️⃣ or 2️⃣. You can type 1 or 2 also. When I post "Vote is closed," please wait for the next segment of the story. Depending on how many votes I get, I may close the vote after 24 hours, so I can start writing the next segment of the story.

User Profile: Alone237
Alone237 OP March 4th, 2023

If you want to chat about my story, chat in this other thread❤️

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User Profile: annapaviacounselor
annapaviacounselor March 6th, 2023



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User Profile: purplelady568
purplelady568 March 4th, 2023

@Alone237 I pick 2

User Profile: BobTheAICube
BobTheAICube March 4th, 2023

@Alone237 2, please!

User Profile: coastGal82
coastGal82 March 4th, 2023

I pick 1

March 4th, 2023

Option 1 please

User Profile: Hermesmyleo
Hermesmyleo March 4th, 2023

Option 2!

User Profile: Dallady
Dallady March 4th, 2023



User Profile: Alone237
Alone237 OP March 5th, 2023

Vote is closed
I will begin writing story option 2️⃣!
Thank you @purplelady568 @BobTheAICube @coastGal82 @richuyulin @Hermesmyleo and @Dallady
User Profile: Alone237
Alone237 OP March 5th, 2023


The chief’s son, O’reld, was very displeased with his father's words. His front hooves pounded against the ground fiercely while his father stood firm and unphased by his taunting movement. O’reld’s height matched his father’s. He had mostly dark skin fading to white towards the front of his body and under his arms. His horseback was rich with dark fur and the bottom half of his legs were covered with thick white fur. He was handsome and popular among his herd, but the young centaur was rash and stubborn. He wished to aid the missing Ipotane, but his father preferred a human over his own kind's service. This disturbed O'reld profusely. The situation the chief fears has yet to be elaborated to his son. Because of his son's stubborn nature, his father did not dare express his concerns regarding their herd and their possible involvement with the Ipotane's kidnapping.

With his arms across his chest, he followed behind his father as they approached the edge of Mamaley, awaiting the human's arrival; other centaurians followed suit. His father's white long hair blew in the wind as he informed his son of his expectations, "We must welcome him to Mamaley. Normally, human adventurers don't cross these paths, but, as you know, I hope to change these views that keep them from here." The chief waves his hands up as if gesturing for the crowd of centaurians to give him an uproar. All the neighboring men marched in place as the women had their front hooves dance in the air, simultaneously causing a loud and fierce rumble. His hands rose again to silence their movement. "It could have been Humans themselves who kidnapped our Ipotane," O'reld grunted and kicked the dirt with his left hoove. "You know very well who the culprits are. In my letter I wrote to the Human's leaders. We should be grateful they've sent aid despite our lack of interaction," the chief shook his head disappointingly at his son's lack of gratitude from the Humans' aid. There was a clear tension between the father and son. The tension grew even stronger when O’reld shared some unforgiving news, “Father, I have reached out to our neighboring clan. Princess El has agreed to aid us instead of the humans.” He said the word ‘humans’ in disgust. “Son?!” his father’s voice rose in alarm, “I did not agree to this!” Angrily, his front hooves thrashed at the ground. “This is an opportunity to unite humans and centaurians!” his father said, but he did not want to outwardly admit that he believed his own kind planned the kidnapping of the Ipotane. “From what it sounds like father, YOU make it seem like the kidnapping of the Ipotane was a happy coincidence!” O’reld stomped his front hooves just as fiercely as his father’s then let out an irritable grunt. His father fell surprisingly silent after his comment. Both bodies stood still aside from the whipping of their tails.

Both a human from the bipedal kingdoms and a royal centaur from a neighboring clan will be arriving in their village. Who should rescue Faulin, the Ipotane? A shiny white man in armor or a black and white zebra-skinned warrior princess or maybe both?

Option human: 👱 Option centaur: 🐴 Option both: 👱🐴

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User Profile: skeletal404
skeletal404 March 6th, 2023


Option 2

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User Profile: Alone237
Alone237 OP March 5th, 2023

Vote is OPEN

2 replies
User Profile: Dallady
Dallady March 5th, 2023



User Profile: annapaviacounselor
annapaviacounselor March 6th, 2023


option 1

Feeling better starts with a single message. Check out my profile and reviews.
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