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Male Depression

intuitiveHuman8241 November 13th, 2021

Use this thread to post helpful resources for Male Depression

I related to this YouTube video and thought of starting this thread:

Male depression - from Tonic TV

fruityPond7887 December 6th, 2021


I wanted to give you kudos for starting a thread specifically for male depression. I think society often forgets that men can struggle with mental health as well and that they don't have to keep in their feelings just because they are men. Thank you! I added a resource for more information on depression in men below!

intuitiveHuman8241 OP January 1st, 2022

@fruityPond7887 - I am in infrequent lurker and not good with communicating. So as super late as this may be, thank you!

fruityPond7887 January 1st, 2022

@intuitiveHuman8241 You're totally fine!! I hope it helps!

intuitiveHuman8241 OP December 9th, 2021

Men’s depression and getting connected I have been struggling with starting to seek help professionally. Came across this video that reassured me.

intuitiveHuman8241 OP December 20th, 2021

Another playlist: Depression in Men

BryanM99 December 13th, 2021

Thank you for this. I've spent so much time recently saying 'why can't i work this out for myself', 'why's it taken me all my life to realise that i've got this problem', 'why can't i fix this'. I appreciate that these aren't necessarily uniquely male responses to anxiety and depression but i feel that, as a man, i'm inclined to the sorts of responses that stop me reaching out to people - to hide myself and my problem away. Do you see what I mean?

intuitiveHuman8241 OP January 1st, 2022

@BryanM99 - Totally! For a man to seek help means to admit weakness and a 'real man has no weakness', right? Complete BS! Perhaps in our definition of a real man, he "shows" no weakness but who doesn't "have" any weaknesses! Maybe we don't show it to women. Or other men. But we need to have someone that we can open up to. Find someone like that. Fathers, uncles, brothers, coaches, friends, role models, etc. We are social beings and need each other to bounce ideas with and learn skills with/from. A man needs to have a gang of friends. A man needs to form his tribe. Not in a social influencer way. A few good honorable men.

I know it's harder for some who are born and raised without fathers or good male role models or those who have had a difficult relationship with them.

I don't know your story but I can tell you this, you are unique. There's no one like you. You have value. There is something in you that someone somewhere needs and appreciates. You have potential. You just need to believe in yourself and not give up.

If I had a beautiful little delicate daughter, I'd slay any dragon to protect her. Why can't I do that for myself. I need to take myself out of this gutter and become the man I with to be.

I have many insecurities. I am unattractive, short, lack self-esteem and confidence, socially awkward and have no friends.

One of the things I have tried to try to overcome my insecurities is lifting weights. In just few months it has restored a ton of confidence in myself. I just want to be able to feel, if something was to occur, that I would be able to handle it. It just changes your whole outlook and gives you confidence in all other spheres in your life too.

It also reinforces the power of small repetitive actions done over time. Rome wasn't build in a day. You can become the fearless beast you'd wanna be if you just put your mind to it and never skip working hard every day. There is no substitute for hard work.

Don't be hard on yourself if you fail in the first try. Or second. Or third. Break down the goal into small bite sized tasks. It's easy to stomp down a thousand ducks one duck at a time, than fighting a duckzilla.

Also if you made mistakes in life, that's okay. You are not the person you were yesterday. We change. We learn. We grow. Don't listen to the haters. People who have compassion will understand. Watch your company and practice setting boundaries. You need to earn your respect.

I don't know if this helped, probably didn't. I think I just wrote random things things that I wanted to tell my younger self. I am still struggling with stuff. Some days are better than others. At the end of the day, I pat myself on the back for attempt, thank God for the opportunity and say I'll try again if I get another day. Stay strong my man. We need each other.

BryanM99 January 1st, 2022


Thank You! A really helpful reply. The hardest thing for me has been accepting mistakes and, indeed, challenges as part of the learning journey. But - as you say - you're not the person you were yesterday. True but hard to understand and accept sometimes. Thanks again. I'll definitely reflect on this.