Depression Self-Help Modules & Workbook: "Back from the Bluez" by the Centre for Clinical Interventions
Check out this free online workbook for living with depression! It is broken down into 9 learning modules or sections that you can print out and complete on your own. Explore the modules below and let us know in a reply how it worked out for you!
Module 1: Overview of Depression
Module 2: Behavioural Strategies for Managing Depression
Module 3: The Thinking-Feeling Connection
Module 5: Unhelpful Thinking Styles
Module 6: Detective Work and Disputation
Visit the CCI website:
This is very useful! Thank you for posting this, I will definitely be looking into this.
Thanks! I'll check it out.
Awesome! I'll have a look into it.
Seems very useful and helpful, thank you
@summertimeSamness Thanks so much!
This is great! Thanks!
wow thank you for sharing these!
Is any of you blame yourself for feeling happy? I've been trying to get better and deal with the trauma that I've experienced but when I feel happy or I forget what I'm dealing with, my brain tells me to stop and feel worse. I feel like I shouldn't be happy and when I feel bad, my brain relaxes. I don't know if that makes sense and I want to learn if I'm alone dealing with a that kind of situation.
@TheOliveTreeLookingForPeace Yes, that's a common thought. Your brain isn't used to what it experiences, it tries to get back to what it knows so well, to feel 'at home'. Remember it's just a thought. You don't need to believe it. Personally, I think you have every right to be happy when you feel like it.
@cloudySummer thank you so much for responding and supporting! You're so kind 😊