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Facts about Depression

windflowers September 9th, 2018

Hi, everyone!

As part of the cross-subcommunity forum event, here's depression support's thread for facts about depression! You're more than welcome to post in this thread even if you're not participating in the forum event.

Thank you to everyone posting, and good luck!

Wonderfloofie September 10th, 2018


Evidence suggests that people in troubled relationships are three times more likely to suffer from depression.

windflowers OP September 9th, 2018

Tagging everyone <3

- LGBTQ+ (hex code: #9966ff; leader: @PhoenixAsh)
@PhoenixAsh @BrooklynM @peacefulHug92 @RaCat @NeonBlueButterfly @AshFlash2002 @enbyemu @AMusicalSilence

- Appreciation & Gratitude (hex code: #5499C7; leader: @fluffyUnicorns84)
@peppermintlove @AnyaS @PositiveSkyler @RumpleSteeleSkin @blogger123 @black1995 @BattyBallerina @amicableFan5430

- Depression (forum colour: top row, fourth from right; leader: @Zammn)
@Rose @Zammn @GrahZeymahzin @MarayaMUNROE @InoRii @blossombreathe @stuckintime92 @chaosmos

- Eating Disorders (forum colour: top row, second from right; leader: @emsworld)
@emsworld @RaspberryCheesecake @InspiringLee @Samar27 @cyanPlatypus6370 @imsorryitry @iNoah @PawsitiveVibes

- Relationships (forum colour: third row from top, first from left; leader: @River)
@ASilentObserver @CalmingStar @SaimaK @Helping2findAway @Creepygirl21 @helpfulship8154 @Luchelle @Wonderfloofie

soulsings September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Depression has been described as a lack of energy and motivation. Not feeling able to do the things we are used to doing. It is like someone drains out half our vitality and we just want to sleep.

Depression is low self esteem, thinking we can do nothing even if we really can if we try.

Depression is feeling powerless to change things and being stuck in a dark place.

Depression is like being in a whole that is so deep we cannot climb out unless someone sends us a lifeline.

HereComesTheSun7 September 10th, 2018

Depression affects the body. Headache, stomach problems, shortness of breath, and general physical tension can all be symptoms of depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Wonderfloofie September 9th, 2018

Depression is not same as sadness! surprise


emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Up to 20% of people experience symptoms of depression

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers The Avergae age of first onset of major depression is 25-29

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Teen Suicide is the third leading cause of death in youth 10-24 years of age in the U.S linked to the amount of teens suffering from depression

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Depression is a mood disorder characterized by periods of extreme sadness. These periods are known as depressive episodes

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Depression is experienced by approximatley 9% of Amerians at any given timesurprise

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Women experience depression twice as often as men

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Many creative poets and writers have experienced depressionsurprise

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers (I have some facts about Seasonal Depression I'm going to say oppsies I hope thats still within the lines of this thread xD) Seasonal Affective Disorder affects 500,000 people in the U.S each year!

windflowers OP September 10th, 2018


That's fine!

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers A much rarer form of seasonal depression exists called Summer Depression. This shift in mood is marked by symptoms such as sleep problems, loss of appetite, weight loss and agitation!

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers SAD was officially recognized as a mental condition in 1984 and formally described by Normal E. Rosenthal!

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Whilst 'Winter Blues' is beleived to affect 15% of the population each year, the more serious form of seasonal depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and tendencies!

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers SAD seems to have a genetic link!

emsworld September 9th, 2018

@windflowers Although Children can suffer from seasonal depression, it typically does not begin until after the age of 20 and the chances of dealing with SAD decrease as people get older!

reservedexcitment September 9th, 2018

Depression is a liar. It tells you lies that one believes but it is not belieable to others.

Heaven on Earth is a journal to walkwyou through reasons to live.

When all you have is Hope by Frank o'dea

kindDreamer93 September 10th, 2018

@reservedexcitment exactly true

NeonBlueButterfly September 10th, 2018

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, members of the LGBTQ+ community are up to three times more likely to suffer a mental illness such as depression.


Wonderfloofie September 10th, 2018

Over 60% of those sufering from depression consider relationship issue as the cause of their illness


Luchelle September 10th, 2018

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time of the year.

(edited by @river to add colour)

River September 10th, 2018

@Luchelle tagging @windflowers

Luchelle September 10th, 2018


Studies has shown that the more a child receives homework, the more likely the child to develop depression.

(Edited by @River to add colour)

kindDreamer93 September 10th, 2018

Depression isn't just sadness sometimes you can feel numb or angry or something else .

cyanPlatypus6370 September 11th, 2018

@kindDreamer93 - True. Anything else, even happiness. (and still have depression... I'm sorry to say.)

cyanPlatypus6370 September 11th, 2018

A person does not need to "look depressed" in order to have depression. In my experience, people who have depression can be very good at 'wearing masks' (at school, at work, at sports practice or games, at church, etc etc). I hope that even with all this mask wearing, the person can 'drop the masks' and truly talk with some people - his/her doctor, his/her therapist, his/her really good friend, to name a few.
[Side note this is not black, this is color of EDSupport team.]

sqquishy September 11th, 2018



cyanPlatypus6370 September 12th, 2018

@sqquishy - this seems to be a nice sentiment, but I cannot tell what these emojis are. It looks to be pairs of hands, but what are they doing? Not important, just wondering :) Thank you for reading my input and your response! ~ Platy

stuckintime92 September 11th, 2018

In 2013, depression was the second leading cause of years lived with a disability worldwide, behind lower back pain. In 26 countries, depression was the primary driver of disability.

Helping2findaway September 18th, 2018

Feeling as if you are different and can't fit in with peers or family members can also contribute to depression.. @windflowers

windflowers OP September 18th, 2018


Hey! I'm really sorry but this part of the event is over so your points won't be counted for this round <3 The next round's started though and you can find more about that here! Thanks <3

Helping2findaway September 18th, 2018

@windflowers... ahhh my badd luck for being late :/

black1995 September 20th, 2018

All of these posts just....

About 20% of all teens suffer from depression before going into adulthood.