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Lounging With Lulu

January 3rd, 2022


Interviewer: @PeaceLoveandPaws

Interviewee: @LuLuRings

Paws: What inspired you to join 7 Cups?

LuLu: I was going through a really rough time personally and was searching for somewhere random to just vent online and stumbled upon Cups in a google search. It was tough to find a listener, but after a while I found someone really decent who really helped me feel a lot better and less alone. And after that, I decided to join as a listener to kinda give back in a sense.

Paws: What has been your proudest accomplishment as a listener or leader?

LuLu: I think generally as a mentor, watching my mentees grow into their own listening styles and leadership roles. It’s truly humbling when your mentees transition into your peers and leadership colleagues, as well as even having a mutual mentoring relationship where I can seek support from them too.

Paws: What tips or advice would you like to share with new listeners?

LuLu: Generally, never stop learning and growing. Stay humble. Grow at your own pace. Listening isn’t a race but a journey, no matter how cliche that may sound. Participate in different events and never be afraid to reach out to others for help, questions, or support. And be sure to make use of your member account and practice ample self-care. I also recommend this thread where myself and others have shared fabulous tips. (The linked thread is for listeners read only)

Paws: What activities do you enjoy for self care?

LuLu: I enjoy reading and writing, as well as going for walks. Naps are a must, as well as warm showers. I’ve also recently started doing yoga, which has been a lot of fun! Generally, spending time with family or friends can be great for a recharge as well.

Paws: What is a fun fact about Lulu?

LuLu: I have an identical twin! But obviously, I’m the better-looking one. ;)

Paws: What would your ideal vacation include?

LuLu: Honestly just the beach and my family. Time with them is invaluable, and I love the sound and smell of the ocean. Just feels so much more relaxed there.

Paws: Are there any goals you have for 2022?

LuLu: I’ve been working on applying to grad school, so I’m hoping to start a masters program Fall 2022. Wish me luck, y’all!

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

Are you a verified listener and would like to interview a leader? Choose a leader and submit questions for them through this form.

Moonlemon48 January 3rd, 2022
@PeaceLoveandPaws Awesome interview and soo many fun questions!!

@LuLuRings woah woah- such a great leader we have with us here! all your responses were soo inspiring and fun to read! We are all very grateful for you and good luck with grad school! You absolutely got this! *sends good luck beams*
Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 3rd, 2022

Awesome questions, @Peaceloveandpaws ❤

Oooh this was fun to read, but then again, anywhere @LuluRings is involved is hardly ever "not fun". Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts, Lu! 7 cups is truly blessed to have you, you are the epitome of all things fabulous in a listener, leader and human!

It is one of the peak qualities of a good leader ~ to raise more leaders than simply letting people follow, what you mentioned as your proudest accomplishment, speaks volumes about how fantastic of a leader you are, who's helping more people "lead" and mentor tooo. ( personal experience lol 😢🤗 )

I enjoyed the fun side of answers too haha! Andddddd wishing you super well for grad school. Rock it,you! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. ❤

Thanks for posting @Fristo ❤

philosophicalAcres8914 January 3rd, 2022


That's so true! Beautiful! Agreed! 🌻🌻🧡🧡

January 28th, 2022

@philosophicalAcres8914 <3

SparkyGizmo January 3rd, 2022


Hi Fristo! 😊❤️ Thank you for posting and oh my gosh, I love the Dr. Seuss quote that you included. It just so happens to be one of my all time favorites! big *hugs* ❤️


Hi Paws! 😊❤️ Thank you for conducting the interview and doing so with great and thoughtful questions! 👍


Hi LuLu! 😊❤️ Thank you for being a part of the "Living with Leaders" interview series. I loved reading your responses and being a part of the process truly is a great way for all of us to get to know one another better!

*chuckles* 😊 Your response to the question "What is a fun fact about LuLu" not only was a fun factoid about you but also revealed to anyone reading your response to the question something else. But, it's something I imagine you are too humble to say. I'll say it for you. You truly have one of the best senses of humor of anyone here on 7 cups! We have some funny ones around here, quite a few. You really do make the top of the list! Your sense of humor is firmly intact.

Thank you again everyone for engaging in this process. *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

soulsings January 3rd, 2022

@LuLuRings thanks for being such a wonderful leader

@PeaceLoveandPaws and @Fristo great interview!

Sher217 January 3rd, 2022

Interviewer: @PeaceLoveandPaws

Interviewee: @LuLuRings

What a fun pair you two make together!! This was such a cool interview to read. I really felt like I was listening to you two talk like friends.
There's so much that we can learn from your examples in listening and in leadership!

Thanks to you both for sharing this interview 💜

~ Sher

January 28th, 2022

@Sher217 Glad you enjoyed reading this interview, Sher

ouiCherie January 3rd, 2022

@Fristo thanks for the tag & post!

@PeaceLoveandPaws lovely interview, Paw! ⭐ You beat me to interview Lulu 😁

@LuLuRings as far as I got a chance to interacted with you (it's pretty rare lately since seems like you're everyone's magnet 😅), you're a hard worker that oozes warmth & fun 🤗 All the best for your educational plan, family & 2022! 💜💜💜

HealingTalk January 4th, 2022


Thank you for this series of enlightening interviews.

This one is great. Honest, rich content, and zero nonsense. The tips in the link are also awesome.

I look forward to more of this motivating and inspiring material, that really helps me get better.

January 28th, 2022

@HealingTalk Glad to hear that, Healing!

rrretsuko January 4th, 2022

@Fristo amazing interview, @PeaceLoveandPaws and @LuLuRings ! <3 loved reading !

January 28th, 2022

@rrretsuko Happy to hear you liked reading it, rretsuko